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Posted Thu, 10 Feb 2011 02:27:30 GMT by garth
Is there anyway of jsut exporting data for specific nodes? I'm trying to export velocity data for specific nodes but the option isn't showing up. I've attached a picture to illustrate my problem:
Posted Thu, 10 Feb 2011 03:48:06 GMT by garth
Also is there a way to export this nodal data as a time series? In FeFlow classic you can graph the data as a time series, but there's no option to export this data to a file.
Posted Thu, 10 Feb 2011 08:03:02 GMT by Julia Mayer
If you would like to export data for selected nodes only, please use the context menu of the parameter in the View Components and not in the Data panel. There you can choose between an export of all nodes, of the current slice or of selected nodes only.

In both the Standard and the Classic user interface, velocities can currently only be exported for a single time step and not for the entire simulation time, but this definitely is a functionality that we should discuss for FEFLOW 6.1.
Posted Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:51:27 GMT by garth
With the export option in the view components window, I can only seem to export the isolines. But I'll make a request in the FeFlow wishlist part of the forum
Posted Fri, 18 Feb 2011 02:28:49 GMT by garth
I just figure a way around this, In FeFlow classic values in the Flux Anayliser can be copied and pasted into notepad. I can't seem to screen shot it but you can copy the x,y,z values by pressing the middle scroll button, then cnrt+v into note pad.

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