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  • Re: Thermal expansion coefficient assigned to density ratio

    Thanks for the note Anner. Bug is reported.
  • Re: The Plume shape in a transport model look inaccurate

    Thanks. It is difficult to help without knowing further details of your model. I suggest to contact the FEFLOW support:
  • Re: 2D Time Variant Recharge

    Actually, I thought about a snapshot of the Parameter Link you use.

    Under Link type of the Parameter Link, there should be an option to switch from [b]Time constant data[/b] to [b]Time-varying (time series id)[/b]. If [b]Time-varying (time series id)[/b] is not available you need to activate transient in the Problem Settings.

    This assignment assumes that the column of your external file you want to link refers to the ID of the time-series you previously added to the Time-Series Editor.

    If you do not want to use a Parameter Link you can easily assign the time-series directly to the BC by using the time-series id instead of a constant value in the input bar.
  • Re: Using feflow70c (Command Line Feflow) with Particle Tracks

    Diffusion is an irreversible process. Accordingly, in age-based backward simulations (Exit Probability, Life-Time-Expectancy) only the advective components of the advective-diffusive transport equation is reversed.
  • Re: BHE Virtual Radius and Ideal Element Size

    You observe a decrease in the time-step size to satisfy the error criteria you adopted. FEFLOW provides a powerful method which supports you to elucidate where the error criteria is spatially violated. This method allows you to identify critical areas with ill-posed model settings.

    You can plot the nodal based error by means of predefined distributions of the primary variables you are solving for. If you solve for groundwater flow and for heat transport you can additionally distinguish whether the flow solution or the heat solution is responsible for small time-step sizes.

    To activate the distribution, please go to the Data Panel and Add Predefined Distribution for the error norm of interest (e.g. $error_norm).

    In this context, please note that you have to activate the predefined distribution in the fem-file (before you start the simulation). This is attributed to the fact that the error norm is calculated while FEFLOW simulates.

    After you spatially identified the largest residuals you could have a look on the local settings at this location.
  • Re: Exit Probabilities

    Yes, Exit Probabilities (EP's) are available as observations in FePEST and can be used for optimizations, Monte Carlo simulations etc.
  • Re: Unstructured mesh - element selection

    If the top and bottom of the tunnel have the same lateral spatial extend (top and bottom polygon are the same) I may have a possible solution. It’s a bit tricky, but it should work in principle.

    In FEFLOW Export the centroids as a shapefile from the elements by exporting a material property. Use GIS to clip the points laterally. Now, you should have the points which are laterally located within the tunnel. However, you still have points which are located above and below the tunnel.

    To identify these points please also use GIS to make a TIN (Triangulated Irregular Network) for the top and for the base of the tunnel. Write the elevations of both TIN’s at the XY-location for each point in the attribute table of the point-shapefile. The function Add Surface Information may help you:
    Finally, you have three columns with elevations of interest for each point you previously exported from FEFLOW. Top and bottom elevation of the tunnels and the elevation of the point itself. Delete all points which are located either above or below the tunnel, by making simple attribute queries. All remaining points you do not deleted will be spatially located within the tunnel.

    Finally, load the file in FEFLOW and make a selection in 3D. The selection settings can be adjusted in the FEFLOW Problem Settings – Map Settings – 3D selection distance settings – Select by fixed distance. Use a small number (0.1 m) in x/y/z-direction.
  • Re: The Plume shape in a transport model look inaccurate

    Thanks for the screenshot. Now, I can see the plume. Could you please also provide screenshots from the material distributions? Please post only the material distribitions you modified (not the FEFLOW defaults).
  • Re: 2D Time Variant Recharge

    Yes, please provide a snapshot indicating the problem. Thanks.
  • Re: Thermal expansion coefficient assigned to density ratio

    Thanks for sharing Anner. Which Update are you using? Please go on Help and then on About. The number after U is the number I am interested in.