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  • Re: Initial conditions for In-/Active Elements

    Great! I will prepare a snippet illustrating the workflow.
  • Re: Multilayer Wells in 2D Cross-sections

    A cross-sectional model has a unit depth of 1 m. accordingly, the volume of water only apply to the 2D cross-section (x/y-plane). If the lateral flow dimension in the direction of "unit depth" is large, you need either re-locate the cross-section (if the other lateral flow component can be neglected) or model in 3D (f the other lateral flow component cannot be neglected)
  • Re: Hardware Suggestions/Overview

    Information about hardware resources for FEFLOW 7.1 are provided by the release notes:

    If you want to make some performance tests, I suggest to use Python. The following FEFLOW API functions provide what you are looking for:

    [font=courier][color=blue]doc.getNumberOfNodes()[/color][/font]: Retrieve the number of nodes
    [font=courier][color=blue]doc.getAbsoluteSimulationTime()[/color][/font]: Retrieve the absolute simulation time (t >=0.). You may call the function in the callback [font=courier][color=blue]postTimeStep()[/color][/font]

    Apart from the FEFLOW API, the Python library [b]psutil[/b] ( is a great library for hardware diagnostics. [b]time[/b] ( and [b]datetime[/b] ( are a nice module for time-related functions.

  • Re: Initial conditions for In-/Active Elements

    The recent implementation of the GUI (Graphical User Interface) does not allow you to initialize the process variables when activating the elements. In contrast, the FEFLOW API (Application Programmers Interfaces) enables you to use initialize the system. At the moment, C/C++ and Python is supported. Is programming / scripting an option for you?
  • Re: Multilayer Wells in 2D Cross-sections

    If you represent the well by a DF plus a WellBC at the lowest node with an injection (negative algebraic sign for the rate), a forced upward flow direction will inevitably occur. In contrast, if you extract water (positive algebraic sign for the rate), a downward directed flow direction will be triggered. DF act as preferential pathways for the groundwater flow induced by highly conductive material along the trace. In the standard implementation, DF's are perfectly hydraulically connected with the surrounding void space of the porous medium. If you want to have multiple screens along the trace of DF's I suggest to use either arbitrary node paths ( or Dual-Node-Connectors (
  • Re: Multilayer Wells in 2D Cross-sections

    Technically, a MLW is composed of a 1D Discrete Feature (DF) + a WellBC at the lowest elevated node.  Accordingly, you may use a 1D DF and a WellBC.
  • Re: water injection unsatured zone

    If you have a 3D line (e.g. 3D shapefile) you may (re-)mesh your model and use the 3D line as an Addin constraint. After you (re-)meshed your model, the line will be represented as an Edge of your mesh. This Edge will be also available as a selection. You may use the selection to assign your MLW.
  • Re: water injection unsatured zone

    There are several ways available. The most common way is to use a WellBC or Multilayer Well (MLW) for the groundwater and a first kind boundary condition (Dirichlet) for the mass with a fixed concentration.
  • Re: expand madel area

    In principle yes. You may have two existing meshes you can merge. You can merge two meshes if both meshes have the same X,Y-coordinates along the trace of the border shared by the two meshes. However, all parameters and boundary conditions you already assigned will be lost. Accordingly, starting the mesh from scratch might be an easier solution.
  • Re: The info from inspection panel disappeared

    After you activated the Mesh Inspector, please move with the mouse over the elements. The element captured by the Mesh Inspector will be highlighted and activated data in the View Components panel should be shown in the Mesh Inspector panel.