• Re: Unsaturated zone properties - bug?

    Have you set the new parametric relationship for all elements (Assign - global -  VG modified - model)? Just switching to VG modified does not yet change the parametric relationship used for the model!
  • Particle Tracking - Controlling exported data

    I'm trying to control the size of the file I get when exporting particle tracks. I've been playing with the settings in the Numerical Parameters dialog box, namely "Minimal time between saved pathline points [d]", but I'm not sure I fully understand how that works; esp. in combination with "Minimal Stepsize Factor". Can anyone shed some light?

    I also noticed a new option in mentioned dialog box: "Pathline Data Point Compression". Does anyone happen to know how that works?

    Thanks, Chris
  • Re: Using PEST with FEFLOW

    We are currently discussing different options for that. We will definitely come up with a solution, but we currently do not know when this will be as there are both technical and administrative requirements that have to be fulfilled.
  • Re: Binary FEM and DAC files

    There are two reasons:
    1. The very limited number of people who would use such a documentation does not justify the required effort.
    2. A documented format needs more effort to maintain, as internal changes are less easy to perform.
  • Re: Reverse flow field


    feel free to start such a discussion in the 'General Topics' section. We'll bring in whatever we can say about FEFLOW, but it will require others to add the MODFLOW experience.
    I fully agree that this can be helpful for lots of people.

  • Re: topography

    There are also extensions for ArcGIS to divide lines into points with a fixed distance. The elevations could then be derived by a spatial join. This could avoid the TIN, wich might require a 3D Analyst / Spatial Analyst license.
  • Re: vertical heat exchange

    Here is just a quick initial idea for further discussion: What about a transfer boundary condition for heat transport with a reference temperature equivalent to the air temperature and a transfer rate corresponding to the heat conductivity divided by the thickness of the dry layer (if it is not modelled)?
  • Re: Heat exchange through vertical loops

    At the moment, such a simulation is possible by fully discretizing the vertical loops in the mesh, giving the different parts different conductivities. With FEFLOW 5.4, coming at the end of this year, we will come up with a new method using vertical one-dimensional elements for calculating borehole heat exchangers.
  • Re: following the simulation on batch mode

    this is not directly possible, but you can open the dac file while FEFLOW is running to check what the last time step calculated was.
  • Re: superelement mesh

    I would recommend that you go through the demonstration exercise described in the booklet of the FEFLOW DVD. I think this will answer most of your questions.