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  • Re: Binary FEM and DAC files

    Thanks for the help Peter.

    Regarding the binary files again, is there a specific reason why are they not documented?


  • Zero flux boundary constraint

    Hi All,

    I've been reading through the FEM file format documentation and found something particularly interesting.
    In the decoding/enconding bc type section (pages 13 and 14) one of the parameters (the third last) mention the following:

    unsigned_h_bc_loc : 3; /*Save entry location for the changed boundary value :
    4 - B.C. value is replaced by bc.v[n][5], zero flux    */

    Does it mean that if we use this option 4 (100 in binary), a zero flux constraint is applied when the boundary exceeds the constraint?

    If so, that would be able to sort out the problem with well constraints when the hydraulic heads goes below the specified level, assigning zero flux instead of a constant head equating to the minimum constraint and thus injecting water in to the aquifer.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Re: How to change .pow file to .dbf file

    If you guys are interested, I've been written a few snippets to convert the POW into XLS/CSV formats separating the power functions in different columns, which may be useful to plot stuff outside feflow.

    Just send me an email ( so I can send you more details.


  • Binary FEM and DAC files

    Hi All,

    I've been working with FEM and DAC file manipulation outside FEFLOW in order to help me with with some common tasks such as transfer heads from one simulation to initial heads of another and so on. However, I've been struggling a bit with the size and I/O speed of the files when they are saved in ASCII format.

    Is there any place where I can find information about the binary formats?

    Thanks in advance

  • Multi-well boundary constraints

    Hi All,

    I have a series of multi-wells in a 35 layer model and I need to assign well constraints to these boreholes.

    Do I need to assign to every layer where the multi-well is present or only at the bottom?

    Thanks in advance