Hi All,
I'm having a model where I am deactivating the elements via IFM. It appear to work correctly, but changes in active/inactive elements do not appear in the DAC file.
Are these changes not saved by FEFLOW?
While we are at it, when are we getting transient reference distributions?
Thanks in advance!
Assuming I created a nodal selection, is there a way to activate the Budget-history charting via IFM?
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your reply it was very helpful.
One thing that I noticed is that if I use IfmGetResultsFlowHeadValue in the beginning of the OnTimeStepConstraint callback, it gives me a different value from using the same function during the PreTimeStep callback, which made me think that the time step was simulated before OnTimeStepConstraint, and the dtProposed value would be used in the following time step.
Could you expand a bit on that?
Dear all,
I'm making a plugin where I need to figure out the time step length at the PreTimeStep callback, for a model using the automate time stepping.
The problem that I'm having is that the time step length is modified on the OnTimeStepConstraint callback, by which time the time step has already been simulated.
Therefore when I use IfmGetCurrentTimeIncrement during the PreTimeStep callback, it gives me the time increment from the previous time step.
In other words, I'm having problem to figure out the time step length before it happens.
Is that a way around that?
Dear all,
I'm making a plugin where I need to figure out the time step length at the PreTimeStep callback, for a model using the automate time stepping.
The problem that I'm having is that the time step length is modified on the OnTimeStepConstraint callback, by which time the time step has already been simulated.
There for when I use IfmGetCurrentTimeIncrement during the PreTimeStep callback, it gives me the time increment from the previous time step.
In other words, I'm having problem to figure out the time step length before it happens.
Is that a way around that?
Hi All,
I just noticed that the IFM template from the latest update of FEFLOW 6.2 has a bug.
After battling a bit with the compiler, I went through the .vcxproj and noticed that line 22 was making a reference to the FEFLOW 7 templates (see below).
<ProjectReference Include="$(FEFLOW70_COMMON)\sdk\ifm\lib\vc14\ifm.vcxproj">
Changing to FEFLOW 6.2 (as in next line) fixed the problem:
<ProjectReference Include="$(FEFLOW62_COMMON)\sdk\ifm\lib\vc14\ifm.vcxproj">
Hi All,
Does anyone has experience with using Qt framework to create GUI's for the IFM plugins?
I heard that it could be possible, as long as Qt version was the same used to build FEFLOW.
Also I imagine the compiling part might be a bit tricky.
That is not correct. If you use the "Current Expression" to assign any boundary or property it will not change dynamically.
However, if right-click on In/outflow and use parameter expression, it will change dynamically.
The only thing that is not clear to me is whether the values are updated on a time step basis or iteration basis (especially for steady-state runs.
Hi All,
I'm doing a steady-state model where I would like to set recharge as an expression (to incorporate GW level based ET rates and so forth).
I know that for transient runs, the calculate expression values would be set at least on a time-step basis, but for steady-state models, are the expression values updated on each iteration?
Hi Peter,
Thanks for the help. Now supposing that I have a free and moveable model with a lake within. I'm planning to use constant heads for the lake based on lake levels but I would like to keep that part of slice one fixed to the bottom of the lake (using free and moveable would move the slice above the lake bottom to the lake level, which I don't want).
That's the reason of my question, as I would like to override BASD where the lake occurs and keep slice 1 fixed to the bottom of the lake.
From what you said it seems that it wouldn't work using IfmSetZ. Is there a way to override the BASD?