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  • Visualise discrete features

    Hi everyone,

    does anybody know how to visualise discrete features (join edge and slice face) nicely in a 2D cross sectional view of a 3D model?

    Any suggestions are very much appreciated.
  • Re: Simulating abstraction from a surface water body

    Yes your assumption is correct. I am using a transfer BC (in-transfer = 0) in the pit and an abstraction well in then center of it. In order to simulate the body of the pit i am using a very high K leading to (almost) no draw down around the well. It seems to be working fine so far, although I know it might not be the most correct solution. Hence I was wondering if anyone has further suggestions.
  • Simulating abstraction from a surface water body

    Hi there,

    I am simulating a mining pit with known water table that has been used for abstraction over a long period. Hence I would like to combine an interior constant head boundary condition on the mining pit with abstraction in the middle. Usual constant head BC leads to unreal inflow from the surface water body into the well from the surrounding pit creating additional amounts of water and therefore messes up the water balance.

    I am wondering if a transfer BC with in-transfer rate = 0 would help out.
    Any suggestions are welcome. My model is 3D multi-layer.

    Thanks in advance
  • Re: Problems generating the mesh


    please find the file attached below.

    I have now downloaded and applied the Triangle Mesh Generator and it works without any problems.
    Is there anything important to keep in mind using this technique?
    I was still wondering why the other mesh generators treat one large superelement divided into smaller compartments by line add-ins differently than  many seperate superelements.
  • Problems generating the mesh

    Hi all,

    I am setting up a 2D vertical box model which is divided into different compartments by several equidistant horizontal line add-ins.
    As soon as the number of line add-ins gets higher (now nine) the generation of the mesh can't be finished. I have tried the different options and settings for the mesh generation but couldn't solve the problem. Everytime either the generation is aborted without success or negative finite element areas are indicated.
    I am very surprised about this problem since the geometry is very simple. It is just one big quadrilateral superelement divided into smaller ones by several horizontal line add-ins.
    Does any body have an idea what's the problem?

    Thanks in advance

  • vertical exaggeration for line sections and segments

    hi all

    sounds like a simple problem in feflow 5.3 but can't solve it:
    in the halt and view results menue i want to plot concentration diagrams for a 1D segment in a 2D vertical model. everything fine so far. the only problem is, that for some cases the y-axis goes into the negative range, for others not. this in turn means that for optical representation they have a different vertical extension which simply expressed looks stupid if various diagrams are compared within the same figure. the only option to modify the diagrams seems to be the vertical exaggeration option. the help says it is only available if the diagram has been plotted once, but in my case it still does not work, i.e. i can't set a value into the corresponding field.

    does anybody know how to deal with this problem?
    thanks in advance!
  • Re: import time constant data for initial hydraulic head

    ok, thanks a lot. now i got it.
  • Re: import time constant data for initial hydraulic head

    it is a 2D vertical model. The IDW seems to work but i found out the file i am using to import the data is empty. So the actual problem is the export of the initial values into the *.trp file and not the import. Sorry, just found that out now.
    Why is the file empty if i set any initial hydraulic head and export it by assign -> database -> hydraulic head -> export time constant data?
    Thanks a lot for your help
  • import time constant data for initial hydraulic head

    hi everybody,
    i am trying to import time constant data for the initial hydraulic head. the data i want to import has been exported from another model run as *.trp file. if i select the file an click start the data is not assigned to the mesh. anybody knows what's the problem? is it linked to the methods of regionalizatoin? actually i don't even need any regionalization since there should be alraedy a value in the *.trp file i want to assign to the single nodes.
    thanks in advance
  • Re: problem with convergence using densitiy coupled flow

    thanks a lot for the useful advice!
    it seems to work well although it takes a bit more time to run the simulation.
    now i am working with the default value of 1e+01. is that a value one should work with or are there any further recommendations according to the purpose of the simulation?