Posted Tue, 29 Jun 2010 06:54:23 GMT by Len Scherenberg
Hi all,

I am setting up a 2D vertical box model which is divided into different compartments by several equidistant horizontal line add-ins.
As soon as the number of line add-ins gets higher (now nine) the generation of the mesh can't be finished. I have tried the different options and settings for the mesh generation but couldn't solve the problem. Everytime either the generation is aborted without success or negative finite element areas are indicated.
I am very surprised about this problem since the geometry is very simple. It is just one big quadrilateral superelement divided into smaller ones by several horizontal line add-ins.
Does any body have an idea what's the problem?

Thanks in advance

Posted Tue, 29 Jun 2010 20:26:53 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
Would it be possible to post the smh file here for checking?
Posted Wed, 30 Jun 2010 08:01:13 GMT by Len Scherenberg

please find the file attached below.

I have now downloaded and applied the Triangle Mesh Generator and it works without any problems.
Is there anything important to keep in mind using this technique?
I was still wondering why the other mesh generators treat one large superelement divided into smaller compartments by line add-ins differently than  many seperate superelements.

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