Does it offer much better performance? Or a little?
I should qualify this - i need to import the discrete elements as points, not polygons.
Has anyone managed to assign discrete elements via a database before?
There doesn't appear to be an option for importing a database as far as I can see. Has anyone found an alternative method of snapping to points?
Thanks - im sorry I dont think I was as clear with my problem as I could have been.
I can import the boundary condition constraint (max or min) and provided this was constant throughout the model period this would be fine.
Ideally I would like to import the number of the time-varying function ID for blocks of nodes in order to set up the transient model, otherwise I may have to run the model as many smaller period consecutive models.
Have you had any experience of this?
Very nice!
The GIS method sounds fairly complicated, but a nice result.
In the end I created the mesh by extracting a point from the supermesh in GIS every 50 m, selecting the ones along lines a needed to refine along and importing these points to the mesh generator for refining around. This works quite nicely, considering that I have a de-watering wells drilled upwards from the mine artery tunnels and main gates every 50 m or so.
Any ideas how you can import boundary condition constraints? its possible to import the seepage nodes, but not the constraints as far as I can see.
Anyone know of any way of doing this? It will save me a lot of clicks as the model is not rubber-box shaped.
I have many superelements for which i want to refine around the edges of, and therefore many many superelement edges. Unfortunately I have a few very large superelements near the boundary of the model for which I do not want the edges refined as this pushes up my node count unneccessarily.
You can select to refine around all or selected superelement edges.
Does anyone know of how to select all edges so i can just deselect the ones I do not want refined? Or whether it is possible to select all elements within a box or polygon or something like that?
Thanks Zebra, I was looking in the wrong place.
I would like to export my supelements into a shap file (or similar) so that I may do some processing to assign a well to 50 m intervals along each line.
For various reasons I would rather do this processing on the superelement lines than on the map I used to create the superelements.
Is there a way to export superelements, once drawn, to a shape file?
I would like to know if anyone has used an IFM module or other to create and import grids/spatial distribution of parameters in-between timesteps?
I may have a problem in which subsidence is causing a decrease in Kz as engineering continues.
Could a locally different Kz distribution be imported in between timesteps and has anyone used IFM to calculate a spatial distrubution of such a parameter, dependant on model output, and import a new spatial distribution of that parameter to the next timestep?
I also have had issues with FEFLOW failing overnight. Figured it could be due to the cleaner banging around on network cables. You can run models consequtively overnight using a batch file, the -hide option allows the user to suppress FEFLOW visual output which could maybe get around the xvision problem.