Hi Luca
I assume you Refer to the WQLevel_xy set of templates. Here "Temperature" is a state variable in [°C]. Proces modifying a state varibale must be given in a "per day" base in ECOLab, i.e. in this case the process "Rad_in" and "Rad_out" must be in [°C/day]. This requires that the constants "Emax" and "Eaf" are given in [kJ/m2/d]. There is no Automatic conversion of units when using ECOLab.
Please note that if the M11-heat balance module is enabled, both (the template intern and the M11) heatbalance will be in effect.
That sound's strange. If you are looking at results, are you sure that the 1st time frame in the result corresponds to the time the particles appear (i.e. maybe you do not see all timesteps)? Btw, are you refering to npt or m21fm-pt? Is the source given in the same projection than the setup?
It depends if you include a "real" heat balance calculation (i.e. with the influence of solar radiation etc.) or if you just handle temperature as the result of mixing different water bodies. A heat balance calculation may be nesseccary if you have longterm calculations and a large domain. However, calibrating it is quite complex. For smaller domains and short term calculations you can propably calculate termperature based on mixing alone. In this case you do as any other AD/transport model calibration. Depending on you model wind may be important but usually the dispersion /eddy settings determine the results. However, you need to have a proper flow first, i.e.
1) you need to calibrate your HD flow
2) Then calibrate the AD (maybe you can check salinity)
3) calibrate the temperature/heat balance
There should be DataStatisticsFM.exe tool in you bin folder (may depend on release version). I think there is no official guide, so this information is *as is*. You need to manually prepare a input file (save as plain ASCII format) with the content:
file_name = |input_file.dfsu| // <- give the file/path of your file
EndSect // INPUT
file_name = |output_file.dfsu| // <- where to store the results
title = 'test'
item_number = 1 // <-- select the proper item number here
maximum = 1 // <- 1 = include, 0=not included
minimum = 1
mean = 1
exeedance = 3
exeedance_level = 0.05
minimum_exeedance_level = 0
maximum_exeedance_level = 1
event_level = 0.025
Event_length = 1
first_step = 0 // <- first time step
last_step = 6 // <- last time step
EndSect // OUTPUTS
EndSect // DataStatisticsFM
Then call the tool with the input definition file as parameter, i.e. "DataStatisticsFM.exe {your_input_file}" - if it can not find the tool you have to add the path to the bin-folder.
Hi Yunita
What kind of PT do you use? You should be able to define an output of type "Particle Track". In the FM and NPT particle tracking engines this will write out the particle data as XML file that contains the x,y,z coordinates and optional the mass. If you want to post-process the data you should select an "uncompressed" format. You can then simply import the track file (if it is not too large!) into Excel etc. by drag&drop!
Hej Tija
Simply make a copy of your result file and open it using the "Data Manager" (not the "Data viewer"). Then you should be able to delete the surplus item (Edit-->Items...-->Delete)
Hi favila
Please contact the support; there exists an internal tool that might help here but it depends a little bit on the version you use.
Regards, Michael
Hi Razieh
Would be much simpler if you just attach the log file ( *.log, should be in the same directory) instead of a pasting that into a PDF ;-)
On the last page you see that the engine reports a blow-up due "negative water depth", thus probably your initial conditions for the water surface level and/or the boundary conditions are causing this.
It should work; I do use vmware from time to time without problems (with a network licence)
Hi Yafei
Have you tried to use a mixed sgima-z vertical mesh? Place start of the z mesh a little bit abvoe the halocline. A pure sigma coordinae model is difficult to calibrate in this case.