I want to ask if anyone has experience of creating, loading and editing selection.
We created a new selection in MOUSE module (MU 2012) consisting only from msm_Node elements. Later we load this selection and we want to remove some nodes from it.
And now the fun begins:
It is not possible to change any part/element of the selection, it is only possible to add some.
I went through "Set selectable layers" dialog, checked the MOUSE nodes layer to be sure it is selectable. Nothing happened, still the same result.
Then i try to look into Selections and SelectedObjects tables in the database, there were some records, so I deleted all those records, thinking that the new selection shoud add here the new MUIDs, but this is not true.
So please, can you advice how to remove from selection certain parts?
I know everything about selection was good in all previous versions till 2011, but now I can't deal with it.