• Re: Pump control

    Do you have the RTC module/add-on/extension?

    Assuming so, I'll usually setup two actions for pumps:
    [i]_DisablePump[/i] with a Start level of 9999 and Stop level of 9999
    [i]_EnablePump[/i] with a Start level of 0 and Stop level of 0

    I'll then setup the Controllable Devices to put one of these actions in play under some condition...so that condition could probably be flow in a link downstream of another pump, or based on the wet well levels, etc.

    I come from the water side, so I feel conceptually I've had a hard time understanding Mike Urban's depiction of pump controls, but using this method I've found it a little more intuitive for me at least.
  • Re: Exporting MIKE URBAN to SWMM5

    Guessing you probably figured this out since it was like a year since you posted, but if anyone else was looking for an answer on this, there's some extensive documentation on the Import/Export tool in the Mike Urban Model Manager manual, Section 7. The Import/Export tool should almost be thought of as a GUI-based scripting tool; the SWMM preset is just one of the presets built into the tool (as mentioned on Page 136).

    If you haven't tried the Advanced mode, you may have some more luck, as it's a little clearer what's going on in my estimation (you'll have to select Show Details after entering the Advanced dialog). Similar presets from the Wizard can be seen in the Advanced mode so you can see exactly which fields in Mike Urban are matched to which fields in SWMM. If you double click on one of the presets (e.g., [i]Export SWMM[/i]), a bunch of table mappings will be expanded to show how everything is mapped.

    There is some limited logging for the Import/Export tool in %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DHI\2016\MIKE URBAN\all-utf8.log
    (if stuff goes wrong with the import due to something like an illegal character in a MUID, it may show up in there)
  • Re: Mass editing node's coordination in Mike Urban


    Since you have Mike Urban installed, you should have a copy of ArcGIS Desktop, which is probably the best tool to shift the model elements in (assuming the model isn't small). Assuming your model isn't too complicated, just:
    [li]open ArcGIS Desktop[/li]
    [li]add the msm_Link, msm_Node, msm_Weir, msm_Pump, and msm_Orifice layers from your model[/li]
    [li]start an Edit session (Editor > Start Editing)[/li]
    [li]select all the elements[/li]
    [li]move the elements[/li]
    [li]save the edit session (Editor > Stop Editing)[/li]
    You may want a base layer to know where you're moving them. If you want to be more precise, there's a bunch of editing tools in the Editor toolbar and geoprocessing tools in the ArcToolbox included in ArcGIS you can look into that can accomplish more precise adjustments.

    If you can't edit in ArcGIS Desktop for some reason, some other options include:
    [li]edit the coordinates in the source MEX File (it's a text file), assuming that's where you got the MOUSE model...if you're used to US units, they're generally in metric (which..thinking about it may be why you're model shifted in the import process. Assuming that's the case you can probably set the Mike Urban units to all metric and retry your import; if you don't retry the import you'll want to make sure you didn't mess up the length of each element, as this will impact hydraulic results by a factor of like 3.28x)[/li]
    [li]use the import/export tool to get to a format you can work with[/li]

    As to where the coordinates are stored, Mike Urban models aren't just Access databases; they also conform to the ESRI personal geodatabase format. I haven't found a good specification for personal geodatabases (like there is for shapefiles), but from hunting around I believe the coordinate data is stored in the SHAPE field in a binary format. You could think of it a little like a linestring. If you really want to get a copy of the coordinates, in ArcGIS Desktop you can add a new field to the attribute table for the layer and "Calculate Geometry" to populate the new field with the X coordinate, Y coordinate, etc.

  • Re: Leaping Weir Representation

    Hello Liaqat,

    I'm not too familiar with a leaping weir configuration, but if it is similar to Figure 8-3 in the blog article below, I would model it as a
    [li]small orifice element representing the "diversion to interceptor" connecting to the dry weather effluent pipe[/li]
    [li]weir element representing the "transverse weir" connecting to the wet weather effluent pipe[/li]
    I'd put the small orifice at a lower elevation than the weir crest elevation. Assuming the leaping weir (below) is what you're aiming for, this modeling method would result in some small erroneous flow into the dry weather pipe (probably minimal compared to the size of the wet weather flow).


    From your graph, I'm guessing the dry weather pipeline intake must be located strategically so that the water jumps over the intake at high flows, like in the blog post below. I don't believe such momentum-based characteristics of the water flow work so well in the simplified hydraulic modeling world...super-elevation is a similar effect that requires a more advanced modeling engine if you absolutely need to model it. Assuming you have the RTC module, you could force the diversion using MOUSE's RTC to set controls on either some valve elements, gate elements, or a weir height above a certain flow or above a certain level. This strategy would be fairly cumbersome and probably require quite a bit of iteration. You'd also need to add rules to the RTC to "reset" the configuration of everything back to dry weather conditions.


    If you don't have RTC, there may be a way to force the diversion to happen using passive controls in the link elements.

    This is all assuming you're using MOUSE...if you're using SWMM I'd probably use some of the strategies in the referenced blog links above.

    Hope that helps a little.

  • Re: Key error with Mike 1D

    Ended up being caused by a msm_RTCDevice.MUID having a value greater than about 32,000
  • Re: Adversion-Dispersion with MIKE URBAN

    Oh, just had another thought...if you haven't tried the Water Quality section of the Project Check Tool, it may provide some insight...
  • Re: Adversion-Dispersion with MIKE URBAN

    I've used AD in MOUSE (for tracing and age), but haven't used it in 1D. In MOUSE for tracing, I felt like I had to take the strategy of setting it up first just to do something very simple - like a single source trace - just to make sure I populated all the correct dialog boxes.

    There's some more documentation in [i]MOUSE Reference Manual (Pollution Transport)[/i], in Section 22.2 around PDF page 108. Not sure if there's an equivalent in the Mike 1D manual, or if the MOUSE pollutant transport manual covers the AD part of 1D.

    I'm not certain, but I seem to remember needing to add explicit water quality boundaries to each hydraulic boundary (e.g., where the water comes from in my model) even if they were zero, which is implied in the discussion in the pollutant transport documentation in the section on boundary conditions. You may have tried this already, but it may be helpful to make a super simple model with half a dozen elements to make sure it's working like you expect.
  • Key error with Mike 1D

    Trying to run a fairly complex model from MOUSE in Mike 1D. I get a couple errors that are pretty self-explanatory, but I'm getting stuck on a more nebulous one:
    [code]Unexpected simulation launcher exception. Please see log file for exception stack trace. Exception message: 'An item with the same key has already been added.' [/code]
    I haven't been able to find a log file with more detail. Haven't found any more enlightening details in [i]all-utf8.log[/i], [i][model filename]_ErrorLog.html[/i], or [i][model filename].log[/i]. Any have any general tips for troubleshooting Mike 1D?
  • Re: Mike urban, how to change the color of selected feature

    For each layer, you can specify the color used for selection in the layer properties. Right-click on the layer title in the Table of Contents (e.g., MOUSE Links), click Properties in the context menu. On the Selection tab, change the option to "with this symbol" and choose the color/symbol you'd prefer.

    Within ESRI ArcMap, there's an overall selection color specified in Selection > Selection Options, but there isn't an equivalent in Mike Urban. If you're into programming, I'm guessing there's a way to specify the selection color via ArcObjects, which probably wouldn't be too hard to write as a Mike Urban extension.

  • Re: Apply MUP settings to an updated mdb file

    One easy way to reuse symbols is to save the lyr files for each layer, and then import the symbology from a saved layer file (from the layer's property dialog box).

    A second method to reuse the symbols by some creative renaming of the mdb and mup. For instance let's say you have:

    rename MyOriginalModel.mdb to MyOriginalModel_renamed.mdb
    rename MyNewModel.mdb to MyOriginalModel.mdb and the old MUP will point to the new data

    I believe a third method is to force Mike Urban to prompt you for the database:
    [list type=decimal]
    [li]rename the current mdb that goes along with an mup file[/li]
    [li]open Mike Urban and load the mup file[/li]
    [li]when Mike Urban can't find the old mdb database, it'll prompt you for the location of the mdb database, which you can point to the file you want to reuse symbols on[/li]