I have tried to use multilayer well BC, First I select join-edge, after Double-click into the input box of the Editor toolbar that is now in Multilayer-Well assignment mode to open the Multilayer Well Editor dialog, but no valid selection (please see picture)
Hi Friends
I would like to know about Fluid Rate Budget Chart, in our model there are some node selections than represent tunels, they are activated as time progresses.
I would like to know that shows me the attached figure, only the fluids that come out of tunnels or accumulated fluids?
When I see the panel rate budget to the same time the value is different (Figure2)
Thanks :D
I have a Single-seat License FEFLOW 7.009, When I try to open file .fem in Fepest a window appears with the following message "Not licensed, No FEFLOW v.7.009 "FMH3" single-seat license for hostid "596841994" available on license server "localhost"!
Help me
Can I keep a face selection or a discrete feature, after remeshed by TetGen?, I try to do it, but the discrete feature was deleted.
Fisrt I create a 3D structured model, after i select some elements and remeshed these elements with TetGen
Is it advisable to use unstructured and structured elements in a model (attached image)?, It affects the stability of the model?