Is there a way to select horizontal slices after expanding a 2D section to 3D?
Is there also a way to reset to xyz orientation such that 'z' reflects the z-axis (e.g. elevation) not the y-axis?
Hey Jarrah,
I found the method noted in the below topic was a lot easier (i.e. exporting values from the charts). It exports the values into a format much easier to read with excel/python/etc.
This is an incredibly useful post! Thanks Gustav and Bjorn.
I've had a 330Gb DAC file corrupt on me, where apparently it can't find the END statement, and gives an error "Skipping time steps 28180 to 67911 because of incomplete file"
Are there any suggestions for recovering the file? Even a small part of it. This took a long time to run.
Indeed there are. 20 years old this year!
Is there a dummies guide to using AWK scripts in windows? (Or, would you mind quickly explaining how to use them please)
Is there an easy way to plot *.dar files outside of FEFLOW, or export them in a plottable way?
Short of writing a script to convert the data tables into something amenable to plotting, that is.
I've got some nodes which have been made inactive, and I'd like to use them again.
I get an error suggesting "Active mesh nodes with undefined initial conditons are inhibiting the simulation start"
How can I find exactly what hasn't been defined? I've reset everything obvious.
I've been reading the Van Genuchten parameters, and it seems like S_s is set to (usually) the porosity of the medium.
e.g. Sand, S_s = 0.43, S_r = 0.045
The online FEFLOW help has default parameters of S_s = 1 and S_r = 0.0025
Does the FEFLOW value account for porosity, or how does it actually work...?
Hi all (Bjorn!)
Apologies again for the (probably) silly question,
But I need to know why I've got a mass concentration measurement in my unsaturated zone (see picture).
I guess it's related to my unsaturated flow equations, so I've listed these below;
Saturation Limits;
s_s = 1
s_r = 0.15
Van Genutchen;
a = 0.8
n = 3
I'm assuming it should be totally dry, as there's no recharge modelling from the top.
Having spelt it all out here, I'm starting to think it's the residual saturation parameter.
Is it ever sensible to set this to 0?
Done - sorry. Didn't see the option on the first pass.