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Posted Sun, 22 Apr 2018 23:55:03 GMT by Alex Costall PhD Student
Is there a way to select horizontal slices after expanding a 2D section to 3D?

Is there also a way to reset to xyz orientation such that 'z' reflects the z-axis (e.g. elevation) not the y-axis?
Posted Mon, 23 Apr 2018 05:51:16 GMT by Peter Schätzl
Please refer to the 'Gravity settings' page in 'Problem Settings' - 'Problem Class'.
Posted Tue, 24 Apr 2018 01:33:09 GMT by Alex Costall PhD Student
Thanks Peter, I found that one. That didn't fix the slices issue though, unless I missed something?
Posted Tue, 24 Apr 2018 06:08:56 GMT by Peter Schätzl
Ah, OK, sorry - thought you were asking for gravity (which is OK when you expand a vertical 2D model). No, there's no way you can change the axis names. With vertical layers, Y will correspond to the vertical direction.

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