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  • Multi species

    we are using Feflow to simulate radioactive contaminant transport with decay chain using the multispecies facility of Feflow version 5.2

    In this the rate  has to be multiplied with porosity and retardation factor ( pg 208 white papers vol1)      or

    rate had to multiplied by porosity (given in help file of Feflow)

    if can someone clarify this??

  • Re: Polygon file

    Hi Chris,
          Pl can u help me and tell if i am going in the right track with FEFLOW
            I need to study the contaminant transport in an area. So i start with 2d flow model for which  the study area (superelement-finite elemet) is created. I input the elevation. Then using the special comand i copy the elevation friges as *.shp file.
    Now using shptoasc command i convert to *.ply as i plan to use the join command to use this *.ply file to incorporate the Kx values. (as i think kx can be linked with elevation -low for higher rocky mountains and high for the river side).
    For this i need to create a separate datafile which has to be linked to the polygon file
    here is my problem

    Then i plan to check the kx using PEST then do 3d contaminant transport  etc etc

    Warning-- I may post more question as i move forward in my modelling venture

  • Re: SHP to PLY

    pl can u tell me how to give the data attributes to the polygon.
  • Re: time varying recharge in discrete feature elements

    Pl can u help me
    pl can u give me the step by step instructions on how to use the join tool for assigining the time varying recharge
  • Re: Interactivity of the forum

    Is it possible for us to take the maintainance contract now?
    We have brought FEflow 3 years back
  • Re: Polygon file

    thankx. Now i could manage to make the polygon file but how to attibutue the data to each polygon, In the *.ply file there is no identification of polygon id then how to give the database attributes.
    In the join command it asks for *.ffi file.
    How to create this file?
    pl do reply thanx
  • Polygon file

    How to save the different zones of hydraulic conductivity as a polygon file?
    This is needed to use in Pest of FEFLOW
  • Feflow Crashes in Multi species modelling

    Hello Everybody,

    We are using Feflow 5.209 version, and ubdated with batch file. In multi species modelling, while applying mass boundary conditions (concentration boundary) we are not able to copy the mass concentration to other species. When we try, program is just closing. Please help us.

  • Re: FEFLOW Explorer- Legend not showing

      To display the legend do the folowing steps
    In the plot panel, after toggle on the continuous/fringe/ispline click on the continous feature
    the legend will be displayed