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Posted Sat, 01 Sep 2007 13:34:16 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
Dear FEFLOW forum users,

you might have seen that our support team has not answered your questions quickly for a while. The reason is that we all were very busy. For us, direct questions of FEFLOW users with a maintenance contract to the FEFLOW support team have a higher priority, so that there is not always time left to join the forum discussion.

However, the main intention of such a user forum is the interaction between you, the software users. [color=blue]So I would like to encourage all of you to share your knowledge with the other ones having trouble using FEFLOW.[/color]

Best regards,
Posted Fri, 30 Nov 2007 04:28:00 GMT by faby
Is it possible for us to take the maintainance contract now?
We have brought FEflow 3 years back
Posted Sun, 09 Dec 2007 02:33:19 GMT by Boris Lyssenko
for the maintenence contract it is required to have the current release of FEFLOW. You might update your license and get maintenance then.

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