• How to import boundary conditions from a previous model

    I have a regional model that is an expansion of a earlier one. There are slight changes in the node distribution of the mesh, once I had to add the new areas. I want to define boundary conditions in this new model using the boundary conditions of the former one. So I exported the BC in question (head constant along rivers) from the earlier model using the export Data and Current slice (where this BC was defined).  I opened the exported file in a SIG and, as expected, it was a point shapefile with all the points along the rivers, as it should be. Aftewards I imported this file into the panel Maps and linked Z (the height of the terrain) to head constant BC, as in the former model. I mantained the default snap distance (2091,61 m). Then I went into the panel Data, selected head constant BC and when did the procedure to apply the BC along the nodes, I found that it did not defined the BC as it was in the shapefile – that is along the direction of the rivers – but applied it to all the nodes of the area I selected. The way I found to overcome this was to select node by node, for it to apply the BC in the correct nodes. Once this BC has to be applied to the whole river network, so theere is a lot of nodes, I would like to know how can I import the BC shapefile in a way that just the rightful nodes are defined, instead of all the nodes of the model. I have the same problem with the multilayer wells shapefile
  • delauney violations

    I would like to know what is more important for an efficient performance of a model: eliminate all Delauney violations or equilateralise the triangles? Once I have to do this manualy I have no time to do both, so which should I choose?

    By the way, is there a way to autmatically eliminate all Delauney violations? Smoothing the mesh helps but is far from elimminate all violations.

    Hoping to ear from you, Emília Novo
  • error message PCG has a matrix with 13127th diagonal element <=0

    I am running my model, and I got the message "PCG has a matrix with 13127th diagonal element <=0". The model seems run and seems to converge but does not calcularte the piezometric heads. I defined the conductivity, head-constant BCs, recharge on inflow/outflow on top/bottom as 300 mm/year and the remaining material properties I used the default values.
    I send a file with some more info.
    How can I overcome this and get the model calculating the heads?
  • RE: disapering mesh

    I did hat you suggest and the problem remains.

  • How to import and link a shapefile of boundary conditions?

    <span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:107%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif">I have a regional model that is an expansion of a earlier one. There are slight changes in the node distribution of the mesh, once I had to add the new areas.</span></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:107%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif">I want to define boundary conditions in this new model using the boundary conditions of the former one. So I exported the BC in question (head constant along rivers) from the earlier model using the export Data &gt; Current slice (where this BC was defined). &nbsp;Just to check, I opened the exported file in a SIG and, as expected, it was a point shapefile with all the points along the rivers, as it should be.</span></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:107%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif">Aftewards I &nbsp;imported this file into the panel Maps and linked Z (the height of the terrain) to head constant BC, as in the former model. I mantained the default snap distance (2091,61 m).</span></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:107%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif">Then I went into the panel Data, selected head constant BC and when did the procedure to apply the BC along the nodes, I found that it did not defined the BC as it was in the shapefile – that is along the direction of the rivers – but applied it to all the nodes of the area I selected. The way I found to overcome this was to select node by node, for it to apply the BC in the correct nodes.</span></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:107%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif">Once this BC has to be applied to the whole river network, so theere is a lot of nodes, I would like to know how can I import the BC shapefile in a way that just the rightful nodes are defined, instead of all the nodes of the model.</span></span></span><br> <span style="font-size:11pt"><span style="line-height:107%"><span style="font-family:&quot;Calibri&quot;,sans-serif">I have the same exact problem with the Multi-layer wells BC.</span></span></span><br> &nbsp;
  • specific yield/compressibiility units issues

    I have a model and very few data and I need to input the specific storage. I realise it is the compressibility so, due to lack of data I have to rely on average values in the literature. My problem is, the literature gives values in several distinc units but not in FEFLOW units 1/m. I have a free water body and several mudflats in my model. Can you please give me the link wheere I can find values on FEFLOW units for these ones?
  • disapering mesh

    In one of my old models the mesh has disapeared from view from the Slices and the 3D screens. There is a blank screen except for the multilayer wels, which can bessen. However the mesh must be there - and the parameters are there - because when I use the Inspection tool, the values show up in the Inspection panel. So, how can I make the mesh reapear in the Slices and the 3D screens?
  • specific storage

    I have a model and very few data and I need to input the specific storage. I realise it is the compressibility so, due to lack of data I have to rely on average values in the literature. My problem is, the literature gives values in several distinc units but not in FEFLOW units 1/m. I have a free water body and several mudflats in my model. Can you please give me the link wheere I can find values on FEFLOW units for these ones?

  • How to add new areas to a model

    I have a structured mesh model already developed and I need to add a neighboring area to that model. Is that possible? If so, How it is done, can you guide me to documentation that explains how it is done?
    Hopping you can answer, Emília Novo
  • how to correct Delauney criterion violations in n automatic fashion?

    i have a very large mesh with lots of Delauney criterion violations and editing them manually is an highly time-consuming task. So, I would like to know if there is a way to automatically correct Delauney violations and if so, how it is done.

    And after the Delauney violation corrections, how to automatically perform the equilateralization of the triangles?