Depending on the value that I enter for "[b]f_solid[/b]"; sometimes the simulation doesn not start at all or even if it starts it stops in an instant, either in steady state or dynamic simulation by telling me the error as below:
[u]System error: Error while executing simulation experiment, reading input file, or evaluating lower and upper bounds.
Until the simulation gives error and stops, the velocity of simulation is not slow. It has a reasonable speed.
And at this moment, the variables under MBBR block details "[b]V (volume of the bulk liquid phase)[/b]" and "[b]V_ASU (Volume measurement data)[/b]" drops in negative values, which as indicated with red font.
Hi guys,
I'm also working on a biofilm progress by utilizing MBBR. In my case the f_solid value is at least 0.7 in the real field. However, the default f_solid value is 0.05 for MBBR. When I enter some value higher than 0.45-0.50 for f_solid, the simulation doesn't lunch and gives me error.
Do you know any suggestion in order to avoid the error, either by editing another parameter or by changing some configuration on the layout?
That could be the reason probably, I don't get the same error any more for now.
I had called it "Peschiere" and in .mls file it used to seem as __PESCH?ERE_MLS__ (Maybe ? letter was a problem)
But in sample projects there are other projects including "i"letter as small letter and they were working without problem.
At the end, I totally set up my project from beginning and call it with very different name. For now it seems working as normal.
Thanks Filip.
I will try this configuration and tell you the results. I hope it won't take too long simulation speed.
Thanks Enrico.
Thanks for reply Enrico.
I am using WESTforOPTIMIZATION 2016 for 64bit.
I just open a blank project and start creating my layout, entering inputs, outputs and others.. I save it in an individual folder in my directory.
I haven't editted any standart model.
On those lines I mentioned as [b]#ifndef'[/b] and [b]'#define'[/b], the name of my project is written as usual.
For istance the line is like this; [b]#ifndef'[/b] __PROJECTNAME_MSL___ ( I observe it by using Notepad++)
Even if I try to change something in syntax, as soon as I try to re-run my simulation the software automtically changes it to its old line.
Hi guys,
I establish a new project. I set everything like input, output and fractionation. And when I run the simulation it doesn't lunch and everytime it gives me the following error in Logging list;
[b]garbage at end of `#ifndef' argument
missing white space after `#define __'[/b]
I have found these lines on the file of my project with .msl extension, I tried to change somethings on the syntax but it doesn't fix the problem.
Have you ever faced the same error and someone knows how to fix this?
Thanks a lot in advance!
Hi guys,
I am working on a project and I need to simulate a kind of specific biological active filter, it is called BIOFOR (developed by a company called Degremont), works as biological tertiary treatment and based on Nitrification-Denitrification cycle. Basically it includes a fixed media and the water enters from downside into the tanks and continues to upside.
You guys have you ever worked on same kind of configuration (as BIOFOR) or do you have some idea which block/unit could be the closest unit to my situation?
I appreciate a lot for any kind of suggestion and help.