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Posted Tue, 23 Aug 2016 18:57:49 GMT by astroneer
Hi guys,

I establish a new project. I set everything like input, output and fractionation. And when I run the simulation it doesn't lunch and everytime it gives me the following error in Logging list;

[b]garbage at end of `#ifndef' argument
missing white space after `#define __'[/b]

I have found these lines on the file of my project with .msl extension, I tried to change somethings on the syntax but it doesn't fix the problem.

Have you ever faced the same error and someone knows how to fix this?
Thanks a lot in advance!

Posted Wed, 24 Aug 2016 09:37:36 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
this is indeed a very unusual error !
I don't recall ever seeing it but it seems to suggest that an #define statement is spelled incorrectly.
Which version of WEST are you using?
Have you edited any of the standard models / added new models? if so: have you performed a (syntax) check (in the Model Editor)?
Posted Wed, 24 Aug 2016 11:43:40 GMT by astroneer
Thanks for reply Enrico.

I am using WESTforOPTIMIZATION 2016 for 64bit.
I just open a blank project and start creating my layout, entering inputs, outputs and others.. I save it in an individual folder in my directory.
I haven't editted any standart model.

On those lines I mentioned as [b]#ifndef'[/b]  and [b]'#define'[/b], the name of my project is written as usual.
For istance the line is like this; [b]#ifndef'[/b] __PROJECTNAME_MSL___ ( I observe it by using Notepad++)
Even if I try to change something in syntax, as soon as I try to re-run my simulation the software automtically changes it to its old line.
Posted Wed, 24 Aug 2016 13:59:17 GMT by Filip Claeys
What is the name of your project? Does it contain special characters maybe? Are you using a special locale (cf. Regional Settings), e.g. Turkish?
Posted Thu, 25 Aug 2016 15:07:40 GMT by astroneer
I had called it "Peschiere" and in .mls file it used to seem as __PESCH?ERE_MLS__ (Maybe ? letter was a problem)
But in sample projects there are other projects including "i"letter as small letter and they were working without problem.
At the end, I totally set up my project from beginning and call it with very different name. For now it seems working as normal.
Thanks Filip.
Posted Fri, 26 Aug 2016 11:48:45 GMT by Enrico Remigi WEST Product Owner
on a Turkish keyboard or Regional Settings, the "i" in the word "Peschiere", may indeed cause that problem: as far as I know, there are 2 "i"'s one with and the other one without the dot.
The one without is not correctly recognised.
Posted Sun, 28 Aug 2016 18:46:51 GMT by astroneer
That could be the reason probably, I don't get the same error any more for now.
Posted Tue, 06 Sep 2016 19:39:50 GMT by Filip Claeys
The exact problem is that when using the Turkish locale, the upper case of the letter "i" is a capital "I" with a dot on it (Turkish is a so-called bicameral language), which is not a valid ASCII character. This causes a problem in the sentinel of MSL files, since here the automatically capitalized project name is used.

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