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  • Re: Export and import of hydraulic properties

    Hi Michael,

    No, but there are GIS people here who could help if there is a GIS way round the problem..
  • Export and import of hydraulic properties

    I'm trying to copy property zones from one model to another with different FE meshes.  Both model fem's were generated from the same supermesh file of polygons for the different geological units.  Is there an easy way to export properties within zoned polygons, rather than on nodes or elements of the FE mesh?

  • Re: Initial Heads Changing

    When Feflow runs, if you save the .fem after the run, it will overwrite the initial heads in the model with the final heads from the run.  To avoid this, you need to save the .fem before you run the model, but do not resave it after it has run.  You can save the results in a .dac file and then open that to view them.

  • Re: overview input data


    There are various types of files you can export which contain the spatial distribution of your input data in text format, e.g x,y,z or as a shapefile. For example when looking at material properties, if you choose the tool "special" (under mesh inspector) a window pops up which gives you the option of saving the property data to a file.

    Also if you save your .fem problem in ascii interchange format and open it in a text editor, then all of the input data is in there.  There is a guide to the file format in the file_formats .pdf on the Feflow cd.

    Hope that helps.

  • Disagreement between results in .dac file...?


    Has anyone else encountered this problem:

    When I look at the results for the head at an observation point in the "Hydraulic head" graph, they do not agree with the heads results when displayed in the model as colour fringes/contours/line sections.  I have checked that I am comparing the results at the same time step and location in the graph and the contour plot.



  • 2D vertical slice models - budget analyser question


    Just wondering if anyone can help with this question..  I have a 2D vertical slice model with an underground tunnel.  The tunnel cuts across the slice and so is modelled as a seepage face where it intersects the slice.  I have some data on groundwater inflow to the entire tunnel and am hoping to use this along with time-variant head data to calibrate my model.  I know I can get time-variant fluxes out of the seepage face boundary using the budget analyser.  I'm just wondering how this volume is calculated for a 2D slice model and what it really means.  Does it assume the vertical slice is 1 m thick?  If so then I guess I can use the budget analyser output and multiply it up for the correct length to get an estimate of the inflow to the entire tunnel...?


  • Re: Unsaturated zone properties - bug?

    Hi Zebra,

    Thanks.  The only way I've found to get round it is to edit the ascii text version of the .fem file.  Even if I change the model to the correct type in the Feflow GUI and then save, it still switches...I have version 5.307 at the moment.

  • Re: Unsaturated zone properties - bug?

    Hi Peter,

    Thanks, yes I did assign it globally to the model as you said, but it kept switching back to Van Genuchten later, sometimes whenever I tried to use the mesh inspector, or when I tried to look at the unsaturated properties, after editing the saturated properties.

    The only way I have found around the problem is to edit this parameter in the ascii version of the .fem file.  Then it will remain at VG modified.


  • Unsaturated zone properties - bug?


    I've encountered the strange problem that if I set up the model to use VG modified for the unsaturated zone, then whenever I look at the model with the mesh inspector it switches to Van Genuchten and remains so.

    Has anyone else found this bug or a way round it?


  • Re: Using PEST with FEFLOW


    Thanks for that.  It's good to hear that someone is working on it and I'll look forward to trying it out some time in the future.
