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  • Re: Simulating abstraction from a surface water body

    if the lake level in the pit is not changing, then a steady state without the cauchy (transfer) bc makes more sense: the well extraction would be equal to the rate of inflow to the pit zone represented by the high K

  • Re: Visualise discrete features

    This is not an option in version 6.1

  • Re: simulated hydraulic heads always too high

    its not clear exactly what you are modeling, but it seems to me that the simulated hydraulic conductivities are smaller than you expect or that you have errors in your model that cause the higher than expected simulated heads (or both).  Other explanations are possible.

  • Re: Copy Settings?

    if the mesh of the two models is exactly the same, you can save them as ascii files and then use an editor to copy materials or boundary conditions from one model to the other.  The format of the FEM is in "file formats. pdf" which you can download from the website.

  • Re: GPU Computing and SAMG

    Its not...otherwise you would see many threads possible in the parallel computing menu

  • Re: Export contours from cross-section view

    Exported shape files seem to have incorrect xy coordinates so this may be a bug
  • Re: Density ratio

    Q1: density-coupled flow is an unstable process similar to flow in the vadose zone.  Highly nonlinear problem: requires fine mesh and small times steps.  I believe quads are best.

    Q2: Perhaps choose an average ratio.  You could treat the ratio as a calibration parameter in which case its calibration sensitivity would be nice to know

    Q3: see 2

    Q4: I don't know
  • Re: automatic time step "error"

    Check out the numerous white papers available for download from site under documentation.  Probably your mesh is too coarse for the pressure-saturation-relative conductivity specifications you've chosen.  Its likely you either have to reduce the nonlinearity of those equations (make them more linear) or you have to increase the resolution of the mesh.
  • Re: Simulating abstraction from a surface water body

    Your description seems vague to me: its not clear what you are attempting to simulate.  What does "abstraction from the middle" mean?  My guess is that you're simulating the pit lake level with fixed head and you have an "abstraction well" node in the center of the lake.  If this is so, feflow is not the tool for you since this is a surface water problem which is probably can be solved using a spreadsheet.  There must be more to the system if you are using FEFLOW.
  • Re: Understanding SAMG error messages

    I think its referring to the "maximum number of iterations per time step" which is the outter loop of the solver, which you specify in the problem settings under numerical parameters.  But it may be related to the inner-loop iterations that are specific to the solver (go to "solver type", and click properties button).  The 1e-8 is a default value for the inner loop which may be the value in the message your seeing.  You may need to decrease this and/or add more inner-loop iterations.  The more complex models require more iterations and smaller convergence values