GEODE is the newest advance of volumetric meshing algorithms in FEFLOW. It enables to not only create more regular mesh geometries, but also enhances the capabilities of local refinement of points, polylines and surfaces within an unstructured mesh. Element size can be limited by volume or edge constraints and predefined geological structures can be parameterized separately for the meshing process.
This video tutorial - FEFLOW | 3D unstructured mesh generation with GEODE - illustrates the extended capabilities of the GEODE meshing algorithm and its parameterization workflow for a detailed and concise triangulation of your FEFLOW model domain.
Related Articles
FEFLOW | Building 3D meshes
Manuals and Guidelines
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - 3D Mesh Generation
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - GEODE
Training options
FEFLOW - Advanced modelling of complex geologies