In FEFLOW version 8.0 the unstructured meshing capabilities have been extended with a variety of new features, including tools for 3D Supermesh points, polylines, bounding boxes and planes. With the 3D Supermesh Plane tool, for example, creating simple geological faults is easier than ever before. In addition, the 'GEODE' mesh generator is introduced with greater mesh building flexibility compared to the tetrahedral mesh generator 'tetGen'. In more recent versions of FEFLOW (8.x and 10.0) these functionalities have been steadily improved and now offer a complete toolbox for creating complex 3D supermeshes.
This video tutorial - FEFLOW | Building Better 3D Meshes with FEFLOW: New Features and Tools - shows the new 3D Supermesh points as well as introduces the 'GEODE' mesh generator.
Manuals and Guidelines
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - 3D Supermesh Design Workflow
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - The 3D Supermesh
FEFLOW 10.0 Documentation - 3D Mesh Generation
Related articles
Knowledge Base Article - FEFLOW | 3D unstructured mesh generation with GEODE
Knowledge Base Article - FEFLOW | 3D supermesh repair and remeshing panel
Training courses
FEFLOW - Advanced modelling of complex geologies