
How do I create a User Profile to gain access to DHI's restricted web services?

In order to gain access, you must create a User Profile with a one-time registration. 

You can create this User Profile on any one of our web services.  Please note that your personal profile credentials will give you access to all DHI web services such as 
DHI Customer Care PortalDHI Training Portal and 
MetOcean Data Portal 

The steps to register are the following:  

Step #01: Go to "Sign in" on any of our DHI services - see Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 - "Sign in", always found on the top right corner 


Step #02: A window opens up and the option to "SIGN IN" or "REGISTER" appears.  Select "REGISTER" - see Fig. 2

Fig. 2 - "REGISTER" button to create a new user profile 

Step #03: Enter your email address and then click "Next" - see Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 - enter email address and click on the Next button

Step #04: Complete the four fields and select "Create" - see Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 - Complete the 4 fields and select "Create account"

Step #05: Your information is processed and a request to verify your email will be sent - see Fig. 5. 

Fig. 5 - request to verify your email address 

Step #06: Confirm your email by selecting the VERIFY EMAIL in the email received - see Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 - Request to VERIFY EMAIL 

Step #07:  Associate your company, here you can select from an existing company from the drop-down menu or any one of the 3 options.  Associate your account to your company is highly recommended to ensure we have the correct information - see Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 - "Associate company" or create a new only if you are not already a contact with the DHI group organization or you cannot find any company to associate you with.

Step #08 - Accept our invitation to MIKE Cloud services, which include all DHI web services - see Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 - You received an email that is asking you to accept our invitation to our MIKE Cloud services, to complete the registration you must accept. Once accepted you will have completed your registration and will be able to access all our DHI web services. 


Step #09 Registration is completed - see Fig. 9.

Fig. 9 - Registration is complete


Step #10 - First time signing in will require a 8-digit verification code sent to your verified email - see Fig. 10.

Fig. 10 - First sign with verification code  



DHI Customer Care Portal

DHI Training Portal 

MetOcean Data Portal