
?How do I register with DHI Customer Care via the DHI Customer Care Portal

The DHI Customer Care Portal aims to assist water modelers and professionals to master the latest MIKE Powered by DHI products and other technology products, tools, services and methodologies through easy access to support, online information and community networks. 

Part of DHI Customer Care Portal is public. This is called "Knowledge Base". Public visitors (existing and/or potential DHI Customers) enjoy unlimited online access to, amongst others, numerous support references, library of guides and white papers, video tutorials, webinars, and answers to commonly asked questions about DHI’s MIKE Software and technology products, tools and methodologies.

Part of the Customer Care Portal is restricted meaning that you need to sign in to enter this part of the Portal by leaving your coordinates. In this way, you will gain access to ticket-based/tailored technical support that you are not able to find in the public part of the Portal.

Description of the process to gain access

In order to gain access, you must first register to become a "Contact" by creating a MIKE Cloud account.  The steps to register are the following:  

Step #01: Go to "Sign in" - see Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 - "Sign in" in the DHI Customer Care Portal 


Step #02: A window opens up and the option to "SIGN IN" or "REGISTER" appears.  Select the "REGISTER" button - see Fig. 2. 

Fig. 2 - "REGISTER" button

Step #03: Enter your email address and then click "Next" - see Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 - enter email address and click on the Next button

Step #04: Complete the four fields and select "Create Account" - see Fig. 4.

Fig. 4 - Complete the 4 fields and select "Create account"

Step #05: Your information is processed and a request to verify your email will be sent - see Fig. 5. 

Fig. 5 - request to verify your email address complete the 4 fields and select "Create account"

Step #06: Confirm your email by selecting the VERIFY EMAIL in the email received - see Fig. 6.

Fig. 6 - Request to VERIFY EMAIL 

Step #07:  Associate your company, here you can select from an existing company from the drop down menu or one of the 3 options.  Associate your account to your company is highly recommended to ensure we have the correct information from the beginning - see Fig. 7.

Fig. 7 - "Associate company"

Step #08 - Your Registration is completed - see Fig. 8.

Fig. 8 - Registration is complete


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