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Posted Mon, 24 Oct 2016 08:17:20 GMT by Robert Elfving
Is there a way to transfer the Parameter Set time of concentration to local parameters? (for several catchments)

I'd like to make a new Parameter Set (for Reduction Factor) for certain catchments, but keep the TC as calculated with Catchment Processing.

In other words, transfer the msm_HParA.ConcTime details to the msm_HModA.ConcTime table for the corresponding catchments.

Any help would be appreciated.
Posted Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:30:23 GMT by Robert Elfving
I've found a way, using MS Access and Excel, but if anybody knows if it is possible from within the MU user interface, please let me know.
Posted Fri, 28 Oct 2016 14:15:50 GMT by Brian Brenhaug Enterprise Water Systems Team Manager
I've never really worked with catchments, but within the Tools > General SQL Command..., you could probably do something like:
[code]UPDATE msm_HParA INNER JOIN msm_HModA ON msm_HParA.MUID = msm_HModA.ParAID SET msm_HModA.ConcTime = msm_HParA.ConcTime;[/code]

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