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Posted Fri, 27 Apr 2018 11:59:00 GMT by Samuel Maselli Projektingenieur

Is there a possibility to import a xyz file (or other) containing polylines to Mesh Generator in order to create break lines?
There is the possibility to draw them manually, but for a street network of a large city this becomes quite painfull..

Quick help is very much appreciated!

Best, Sam
Posted Mon, 07 May 2018 06:00:00 GMT by Samuel Maselli Projektingenieur
Any ideas?
Posted Mon, 07 May 2018 18:20:00 GMT by Christian Tomsu Germany
Hi Sam,

you can open and import any xyz - file in the mesh generator via Data-> Import Boundary.

The menu title is very misleading, because you can import every model structure via this menu point.
Even refinement points or model relevant internal structure lines.

Bests Christian
Posted Tue, 22 May 2018 04:36:00 GMT by Samuel Maselli Projektingenieur
Hi Christian

Sorry for my belated response and thank you for yours.

I was able to import the break lines as you described it. The titles are indeed very misleading. ???
And it would be very helpful if the mesh generator would have a control functionality to check for valid geometry in the domain before it runs out of precision or before it fills up the RAM and crashes by directly trying to generate a mesh under the given constraints (maximum element area, minimum angle and maximum element number). But that's another story.  ;D

Thank you!

Best, Sam
Posted Tue, 12 Jun 2018 08:39:00 GMT by Naisaki
These ideas are considered good for many people.

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