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Posted Fri, 08 Oct 2010 02:50:25 GMT by zhayuan87
Through felow export filter, the x,y coordinates and flow boundary and material can be exported.  In a 3d model, the 3D information is not included in the export file.  But I want to export the z
coordinates(elevation) pointwise or elementwise. I use the version 5.3.  Is these any way to solve this ?  Thanks a lot.
Posted Fri, 08 Oct 2010 08:15:14 GMT by Julia Mayer
For the export, please make sure to select a file type that supports the format x, y, z, value. This can be an ASCII database (*.dat) format, a Dbase (*.dbf) format or an ESRI shape (*.shp) file. If you select a *.pnt or *.trp file format, only x, y and the value to be exported can be saved.
Posted Fri, 08 Oct 2010 09:14:54 GMT by zhayuan87
  Thank you very much.
  In my feflow export filter (file- export filter-finite element problem), there is on *.net file can be choose to be exported, and the elevation information will lost.
Posted Thu, 14 Oct 2010 12:13:40 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
In the elevations menu, use Special - Elevation to bring up the dialog for viewing and exporting a parameter. From there, you can save the elevations in one of the file formats Julia was referring to.
Posted Wed, 22 Dec 2010 15:27:06 GMT by Javier Gonzalez
I'm trying to perfor this in the new Feflow 6 interface.

I need to export elevation from a group of nodes. If I select the nodes, and right-click on "elevation" in the Data Panel, the only option to export is "All nodes". Same thing for anything related to nodes selection.

When going to Material Properties there are other options such as "As Center Points..." but this is related to elements.

We have found a workaround to use in the case of elevations, but it requires Excel postprocessing: For the selected nodes a specific boundary coundition is defined (for instance 0 m Hydraulic Head), then data is exported from the BC context menu using the "all nodes" option. As elevations values are always exported for each node, the ones with the specified BC can be identified later using filters.

It would be nice to have the option for exporting only selected nodes directly from Feflow 6.


Posted Thu, 23 Dec 2010 08:29:39 GMT by Denim Umeshkumar Anajwala
To export values for selected nodes only, right-click on Elevations in the View Components menu. There you will have options for exporting all nodes or the selected nodes only.
Posted Mon, 27 Dec 2010 14:44:53 GMT by Javier Gonzalez
It was just in front of us. Thanks a lot Peter.
Posted Mon, 03 Sep 2012 14:48:09 GMT by Julia Camargo
Hi Peter,
My problem is almost this one. I am trying to export the Darcy flux from a selection and the only option I can see is export for all nodes. Is it possible?
Posted Mon, 03 Sep 2012 14:58:30 GMT by Julia Camargo
PS: Even if I go to the View Components Panel, there is not this nodal selection option. ;)

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