Re: Can feflow export the elevation pointwise or elementwise?
Thank you very much.
In my feflow export filter (file- export filter-finite element problem), there is on *.net file can be choose to be exported, and the elevation information will lost.
Yuan -
Can feflow export the elevation pointwise or elementwise?
Through felow export filter, the x,y coordinates and flow boundary and material can be exported. In a 3d model, the 3D information is not included in the export file. But I want to export the z
coordinates(elevation) pointwise or elementwise. I use the version 5.3. Is these any way to solve this ? Thanks a lot. -
Re: How feflow deal with evaporation in a 3d unsaturated model?
:) Thank you~~~ -
How feflow deal with evaporation in a 3d unsaturated model?
I create a 3d unsaturated model and take potential evaporation as in/out flow on top. I usually use Hydrus3D to simulate the unsaturated problem, and what i mean is,
the Hydrus3D can reduce the Potential et by the soil moisture rather than empirical relationship bewteen evaporation duress and groundwater table. When I input the P-et,
does Feflow can reduce it to actual-et automatically in the simulation process?
thanks in advance,