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Posted Tue, 26 Sep 2017 20:16:37 GMT by sem16
Hello all,

I am currently working on trying to bring a Petrel (Schlumberger) model into MODFLOW and am having a lot of issues with layer pinch outs so am wondering if FEFLOW might be a better option. I understand FEFLOW handles layer pinch outs fine- and I have a lot of layers pinching out as I'm modeling Quaternary material. However, I'm wondering if there is a way to bring the hydraulic conductivity distribution I have generated in Petrel into FEFLOW, in a similar way I've been able to do it for MODFLOW.

I can export my Petrel model as an ASCII text file that has x,y,z, i,j,k, and then a code related to hydraulic conductivity for each cell. My workflow in MODFLOW was then to create a shell of my model that has the same number of layers, columns, rows, and cell dimensions as my Petrel model, and then manually edit the .vmp file of the MODFLOW model such that I replaced the integer arrays for hydraulic conductivity distribution with the exported Petrel ASCII files. This works when the layers are all of equal thickness and do not pinch out- however that is not the case with my model.

Is anyone aware of a way hydraulic conductivity distribution could be imported into FEFLOW in a way like this? Exporting my model from Petrel as a text file with x,y,z i,j,k,hydraulic conductivity code is really the only way I can export it for bringing it into another software.

Thanks very much.
Posted Wed, 27 Sep 2017 04:55:47 GMT by Alex Costall PhD Student
I'd like to know this process too - If you work it out, please let us know here!
Posted Mon, 02 Oct 2017 09:44:39 GMT by Björn Kaiser
At the moment FEFLOW does not provide a direct import from Petrel. If you want to import the K-values as you described, I suggest to use an ASCII based dat-file. If you work with partially- or fully-unstructured meshes, I suggest to use centroides of the elements. Centroids of the elements allows you either to regionalize your K-values by means of a 3D interpolation method or by use a Point in Element Algorithm. Here is an example how the file format may look like.

      Id                  X                  Y                  Z                  M  Element            CENTER_X            CENTER_Y            CENTER_Z    LAYER              CONDX
      1  3410643.5567414304  5817349.5977908531      44.2379718868        0.0000000000        1  3410643.5567414304  5817349.5977908531      44.2379718868        1        0.0003802296
      2  3410645.2541029272  5817299.4178183805      43.9502428466        0.0000000000        2  3410645.2541029272  5817299.4178183805      43.9502428466        1        0.0003888353
      3  3410605.6775149289  5817255.8355963556      43.7894600469        0.0000000000        3  3410605.6775149289  5817255.8355963556      43.7894600469        1        0.0003985416

If you do not work with partially- or fully-unstructured meshes, you may regionalize your data by using layered based 2D interpolations. Here is an example how the file format may look like:

      Id  Element            CENTER_X            CENTER_Y            CENTER_Z    LAYER              CONDX
      1        1  3410643.5567414304  5817349.5977908531      44.2379718868        1        0.0003802296
      2        2  3410645.2541029272  5817299.4178183805      43.9502428466        1        0.0003888353
      3        3  3410605.6775149289  5817255.8355963556      43.7894600469        1        0.0003985416

Both file-format examples has been derived by a simple export of the K-values from FEFLOW. It is always helpful to check the export data to get an understanding of the import data.

I also woule like to draw your attention about importing geological models as 3D Supermeshes directly.

FEFLOW has the capability to import triangulated surfaces as a 3D Supermesh. The triangulated surfaces must represent the outer borders of the model domain and optionally internal surfaces which separates different units (e.g. physical rock properties).

The following file formats are supported:
[li]TetGen Surface Mesh Files (*.smesh)[/li]
[li]Triangle Mesh 3D files (*.mesh)[/li]
[li]Autodesk 3DS files (*.3ds)[/li]
[li]VTK Files (*.vtu)[/li]
[li]Leapfrog Mesh Filesn  (*.ts)[/li]
[li]GOCAD (*.ts)[/li]
[li]GeoModeller (*.gmod)[/li]
[li]Object File Format Mesh Files (*.off)[/li]
[li]Object File Format Mesh Files (*.obj)[/li]
[li]STL Mesh Files (*.stl)[/li]

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