Posted Wed, 18 Jan 2017 13:00:06 GMT by manet
Hello. I am very new to Mike 21 FM software and i am little bit confused about creating my precipitation input to  Mike 21 FM HD simulation.
I want to use precipitation during my simulation which varying in time and space. I can create one time step in mesh generator (using precipitation instead of bathymetry data) and export to dfsu. But how to create file whit more time steps? For example every 5 minutes different precipitation? I tried Data Manager, but  unsuccessfully.
Thank you very much
Posted Thu, 02 Feb 2017 08:36:44 GMT by Chto

please use the [b]Time Series > Preprocessing Temporal Data[/b] - Tool from the MIKE ZERO - Toolbox.

This tool takes as input a set of geo-referenced time series of the same scalar type e.g. rainfall, discharge, water level etc. and combines these into a area wide time series or a spatially and temporally varied data set.

Posted Thu, 02 Feb 2017 13:30:16 GMT by manet
Thank you. That's what i am looking for
Posted Sun, 12 Mar 2017 05:37:48 GMT by sweetguo1989

For preprocessing temporal data for precipitation stations, how should I prepare a dfs2 bathymetry file for my model domain?
I tried to generate a new bathymetry file, but could not change the default projection from UTM-30 to UTM-16. And when I imported .xyz files for my stations in the bathymetry file, it did not show up.

Any ideas? And what kind of specific background map should I import to the bathymetry file?

Thank you and your responses will be greatly appreciated.
Posted Mon, 02 Aug 2021 15:37:52 GMT by Angana Borah IIT GANDHINAGAR
Dear all,

Can you please tell me how to install the mike zero toolbox in MIKE PLUS? Thanks in advance.
Posted Fri, 06 Aug 2021 07:03:05 GMT by Stefan Leschka
There are 2 ways:

1) Use Matlab or Python for loading, modifying and writing dfsu files. Among other tools which might come in handy, the dfs libraries for free download here:

2) If manual modifications would be feasible, then I suggest to think of it as a 2-step procedure: (i) Run the simulation with constant evaporation/precipitation and write the items as outputs. (ii) modify the output file so that it serves as input for the next (final) simulation.
When doing (i), make sure that in the output file you have the right number of timesteps. You could do a short simulation with very short timesteps and then change the time step size of the output in the "Data utility". To find Data Utility: (a) open MIKE Zero, (b) click on "File"->"Options"->"Data Utility..." and (c) load the dfsu file. Once the file is prepared, you would need to modify the values in the different timesteps of the dfsu file.

Hope it gets you one step further.


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