Posted Mon, 16 Feb 2015 12:09:59 GMT by Alireza Vahidi
I tried to model some example from my hydraulic text book in mike 11 and Hecras
These examples are steady flow examples (I have to work out the normal water level and Froude number in trapezoidal irrigation channels). while I get good result from Hecras. I do not get good results from Mike11 . While the water level is quite precise in mike 11 (+- 0.05 m error), I get  odd Froude number  (Although the example contains both supercritical and subtropical flow, Froude number is below 1 for all part of channel)
why do I get bad results from Mike 11?  Is it true that Mike 11 is not a good choice for steady analysis?
Posted Mon, 27 Apr 2015 22:24:05 GMT by Chto

it's hard for us to decide from that point what the reasons for the differences between MIKE11 and HEC-RAS are.
Please send the problem to our software support:

They will care about. I know both software packages very well and I know, that both software packages have plenty of parameters that can influence the resulting flow parameters extremely.

Bests Christian

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