Hello everyone,
I have to introduce a reservoir in a model type Mike 11 and also the operation rules of the control structures.
The question is: which structures should I use?
I tried to make use of "Control Str." from Notwork file -> Structures, and I chosen "Side structure + reservoir" as Structure Type, "Overflow" as Gate Type and set up all the necessary parameters. The result was that almost all amount of water went downstream the structure and a little amount of water went in my reservoir. This seems more like a control structure for a polder or an effective side structure.
I also tried to combine a "Control Str." structure with a "Weir" structure, in order to obtain an ineffective flow area, but it didn't worked at all!
I ask you, because i didn't find something on the internet regarding how to model a reservoir in Mike 11 neither a simple example(which would be very very useful). DHI provides only the user manual for this topic, and I think that is not enough.