Hello Tom,
I find the pump controls pretty unintuitive in Mike Urban. I assume you're using the MOUSE engine? Assuming MOUSE, my typical practice is to setup two actions, each of Action type (msm_RTCFunction.FunctionNo) "Setting of Start/Stop Levels" and Input type (msm_RTCFunction.InputNo) "Constant".
MUID: _EnablePump
StartLevel: 0
StopLevel: 0
MUID: _DisablePump
StartLevel: 9999
StopLevel: 9999
I then use whatever conditions with these as the activate/deactive pump actions. I try not to think about it too much, because it feels so unintuitive, but if you want the details, the _EnablePump action forces the pump on whenever the water level in the upstream node exceeds the StartLevel. Because the predicted water level in the upstream node will always be above the starting level you've specified as 0', the pump will always turn on. Similarly the _DisablePump action will turn the pump off if the water level in the upstream node is below the minimum StopLevel. Since the water level is always below 9999, the pump will always stop. (Of course, this assumes you aren't modeling anything below 0' or above 9999'). Often, when I find this isn't working, it has to do with the specifics on the pump curve.