Posted Wed, 06 Dec 2023 10:04:57 GMT by Siddarth C
Hi, I have been practicing the FEFLOW introductory tutorial. In this, they are using file such as conduc2d.trp (file containing details of conductivity) and observation_wells.dat which falls under the category ASCII Triplet file and ASCII Table files respectively. How do we create such files? We use Arcgis for shapefiles, but how do we create ASCII type files for inputting? Thanks in advance
Posted Thu, 14 Dec 2023 20:46:23 GMT by Cecilia Rodríguez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
I think you can use the shapefiles. For the conductivity case, you can upload the shapefile in the Maps panel and link the attribute by Parameter Association. For the observation wells, just upload the shapefile and convert to "observation points" by assigning the corresponding field to the reference data. Alternatively, you could extract the attribute tables (including coordinates) and convert to ASCII type.
Posted Mon, 18 Dec 2023 14:17:24 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
ASCII files can just simply be created in any text editor. I personally use NotePad++. Then you just need to save the file as *.dat.

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