• Convergence error

    So I am about to run a steady state model, all the parameters has been applied to the model except the pumping rates. So I exactly don't know the pumping rate of the study area. So I am trying different values, but before adding the pumping rates I have and RMS of 4.3. When I add the pumping rates, the imbalance is changing but I am getting convergence error. Please help me out of this. I am a beginner.
  • Seeking help to complete MTech project

    Hi friends, I am currently doing my project work on a contaminant transport topic. But I have no clue why I am not getting desired results in the simulation model. If somebody is willing to help me out of this situation, please let me know. This is just a simple model and I have all the data sets. This would be a great help me for. I had already tried contacting the official DHI support, but they said they don't give technical support to students licenses. Thanks in advance.


    Thank you, but I had already referred the above mentioned exercise. But I am still having the confusion that is how did you decide the elevations for slice 2, 3 and 4? In the xlsx file (elevation file) from the exercise, the slice number 2 is given suddenly from the 536th row in the excel file. How can we decide that the slice number 2 is going to come from the specific elevation? How do we assign slice number to the elevations?

    Hi, thanks for the response, but I already have the X,Y and Z coordinates in an excel file, now I need to assign the slice number to them accordingly, but I don't have any clue how the slice numbers are assigned. So if you have any tutorial or guide for assigning the slice numbers, please let me know, this would be a great help.

    Hi,  I have been trying to upload elevation data to my FEFLOW software, but it seems that the xlsx file need columns with data like X,Y, Elevation and Slice. I have extracted a kml file from google earth, then converted it into gpx file using GPS visualizer and then converted it into csv file using TCX converter. But the final file is having columns with headings Latitude, Longitude, Altitude etc. but not the X,Y,Z and Slices. Please help me with creating the elevation data format used to load in FEFLOW. Any small help is appreciated.