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Posted Mon, 26 Jan 2015 13:08:09 GMT by Usman
Dear All,

As asked by Mr Ali in one of the questions, I have to ask a similar question. I have to use groundwater inflow and outflow (BC's) as an estimation parameters in FePEST for a regional groundwater flow model. I am unable to understand how to define GW inflow and outflow in parameter definition in FePEST before starting calibration process against GW heads? Please write the procedure to do this operation as I am really stuck at this point and no information is available from FePEST tutorial on this particular issue.

Best regards,
Posted Tue, 27 Jan 2015 08:50:37 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Dear Usman,

I think the important point to mention is if you want to try these fluxes as parameters or as observations.
If you want to threat them as parameters, i.e. calibrate the boundary fluxes, this is only possible via IFM programming (see previous posts).
If you want to threat the values as observations, this is already implemented in the FePEST interface (after FEFLOW 6.2. patch 5). In the FEM you would need to define the budget groups by activating "Budget Charting Mode" in a nodal selection. Subsequently in FePEST, you can declare these groups as observation definitions.

Posted Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:51:32 GMT by Usman
Dear Carlos,

Thank you very much for your reply. I have to incorporate these fluxes as parameter instead of observations. I tried to learn from your previous post about how to implement IFM but frankly I never used FEFLOW by IFM. Therefore, if you could write in more detail about how to perform all these steps for adding Fluxes as parameters using IFM in FePEST?

Thanking you in anticipation.

Best regards,
Posted Mon, 09 Feb 2015 07:37:36 GMT by Muhammad Usman Student
Dear All,

Following my last message, is there any one who can help me out to use IFM for importing GW flux BC's into FePEST? I don't have any experience doing this.

Best regards,

Posted Mon, 09 Feb 2015 09:20:48 GMT by Carlos Andres Rivera Villarreyes Global Product Specialist - FEFLOW
Dear Usman,

You may take a look in a previous post ([color=blue][i]Coupling Feflow and FePest for not assigned Parameters (Manual Coupling of PEST)[/i][/color]) in the FePEST forum child board. Although this is not exactly the parameter estimation of a BC, the workflow is very similar. You can find all the definitions of the IFM API functions to get/set BC values in the FEFLOW Help System.
If you are new in IFM programming, I would recommend you to take a look in our documentation in the FEFLOW website. Alternatively, this forum has a very interesting child board related to plug-ins, you may find some information here as well.

Best regards,

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