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  • Re: Chemical precipitation for WWTP


    Thank you very much for your fast reply.

    I have tried as you recommended and tried other controllers and "overdosed" Fe into the stream but neither me nor my colleague (he works with post-precipitation) can get a precipitation.
    Do we need a "reaction chamber" or similar or does it "react" immediately.

    Do you have a very simple example for us (we can download from somewhere or can you send us a project) where one can see a change in the y_PO before and after adding Fe?

    Thank you very much in advance.

  • Re: Chemical precipitation for WWTP

    Hi again!

    I was wondering about the Fe-dosing for P-removal.

    I have tried alot now but I cannot see any change in the P-removal even if I enter utopic numbers but there is not any change in the TP, S_PO concentration.

    I try to control the P-removal with a PO4-sensor linked to the FeOH-tank and tell the controller that PO4 should be 0.5 after adding the FeOH.

    Can you explain very briefly how to set up a good pre-precipitation with the Fe-dosing unit?

    Thank you very much in advance.


  • Re: Chemical precipitation for WWTP

    ASM2d has FeCl3 precipitation (I found it - Thank you!).

    However, by using ASM2d I cannot apply the Anaerobic Digester (Sludge Treatment) which I can only do if I use ASM1Temp (therefore I did not find the Iron-button).

  • Chemical precipitation for WWTP


    I am using WEST 2014 (SP1) and setting up a full-scale WWTP with post-precipitation (FeCl3).
    I am wondering if there is an icon for chemical addition available where one can select the precipitant?
    I know it is available for C-source but not for e.g. P-removal.

    Somebody can either confirm or clearify?
    Thank you very much in advance.

    Tobias, Sweden