Hi Steven,
probably it would be good, if you could post the setup - file to me.
It seems, that something with your simulation time is wrong.
As shown in your picture, the simulation should at least last 72 timesteps * 15 secs = 1080 secs = 18 minutes.
Have you checked the error log, if some error was reported ?
Bests Christian
Hi Vianney,
as I know, there's is no special interface designed for JAVA.
But, you can find some examples of how to handle dfs - Files in other programming languages in your MIKE - installation directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2012\MIKE Zero\Manuals\MIKE_ZERO\FileFormats
I am not a programmer, but possibly you can use the library of the .NET - API in JAVA also.
Maybe, that helps.
Bests Christian
please note that you can only import gif - image files.
And please note, that a DHI world file is different from a world file used in standardized GIS applications.
For further explanationssee the manual:
C:/Program Files (x86)/DHI/2012/MIKE Zero/Manuals/MIKEZero.pdf (see section 4.7.5)
Bests Christian
Hi Radek,
please find a hotfix under
That gives you a possibility to flush out results at every output time step.
You can then open the res11 - file whenever you want.
Bests Christian
Hi Lamm,
generally it is better to extend your model border to the natural borders / watersheds.
One possibility is for example, to build a large regional model covering your local model area of interest to define regional groundwater regime. This could be a quite coarse model with rough boundary conditions.
After that, you can extract a local model of your regional model and set the lateral model inflow as simulated from the regional model.
Mostly, this processing can be much better explained to clients, than assuming or guessing lateral inflow.
Best regards, Christian
Hi Michael,
is your model free&moveable? Phreatic or unsaturated ?
You can try to set your model to free & moveable.
BR Christian
Hi Yvonne,
in my standard installation folder, it can be found under:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2012\MIKE Zero\Manuals\MIKE_11\Mike_11_ref.pdf"
Best Regards, Christian
can you give some more explanation of your setup?
Please download the newest Hotfix for MIKE11 here:
Problems with closed cross sections are solved.
Hi Yafei,
do you have an explanation for this phenomenon in natural?
Do you know something of the depth dependent flow directions or flow velocities?
Do you know something about the depth dependent temperatures?
Or do you assume, that there is no flow in your estuarine lake? Is there a barrage or anything else?
Best regards, Christian