• Re: Error find out with multilayer well parameter assignament.


    I have the same problem with FEFLOW 7.5. I'm following the Introductory Tutorial. The multilayer well (MLW) step is not working.

    I have the [i]wells.shp[/i] file loaded into the map, and it was considered on the mesh generation step (mesh refinement around the two well nodes is noticeable). I did the parameter association (see image 1). Then, after following the steps ([i]"the actual assignment"[/i]) for automatically linking the wells' closest edges to the map ([i]wells.shp[/i]), an error is prompted [b]Field not found[/b]. I checked the [i]wells.shp[/i] file in ArcGIS, but I didn't find anything problematic, just empty spaces before some values (I also tried after deleting those spaces).

    On the other hand, I checked the tutorial supporting file [i]exercise_fri6.fem[/i]. It has the MLW BC. I deleted the MLW and tried to reassign it back, but it didn't work. Same error.

    Any comments? Thanks.