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  • NetCDF client is not working

    Dear all

    I am facing troubleshoot while running the DHI.Generic.NetCDF.MIKE, it shows that

    "The DHI.Generic.NetCDF.MIKE.exe has stopped working" in Windows 10, is there any solution to make it executable ?

    Please suggest.

    Thanks in advance.
  • Micro-plastic in Marine Environment

    Dear All,

    Just wish to know beside transport /tracking any potential in the DHI mike suite to model Micro-plastic in estuarine  / marine environment.

    Thanks in advance.

    U S Panda
  • Mike 3 fm result plotting- near field and far field (like CORMIX)


    How can I plot entire water column of mike 3 fm dfsu results using plot composer to show the near-field and far field dispersion (like in CORMIX) ?

  • pH process in Ecolab


    In Mike 21 Ecolab, anybody has defined the process equations, related rate constants, auxiliary variables to model pH in coastal environment.

    Being pH an important parameters, it should be defined as a state variable to address the water quality issues.

    Thanks in advance.

    please contact me at
  • Weighted Average Plot /Shaded error plot


    I wish to plot weighted average from the time series data directly in the plot composer  or compute using mike tool box? Can some one help me ?

    Also, Please let me know if I can draw shaded error over a long term time series data either in plot composer or using any code ?


    USP [/b]
  • Re: Batch Mode simulation


    Yes, I have given the following path

    path=C:\Users\Admin\Documents\MIKE Zero Projects\Puducherry_Satya\Case Studies setup;%DHI_MIKE_2014%;

    start /wait MzLaunch.exe -exit 20%increase_april.m21fm -mpi 4 -x
    start /wait MzLaunch.exe -exit 20%increase_NOV.m21fm -mpi 4 -x
    start /wait MzLaunch.exe -exit 50%increase_april.m21fm -mpi 4 -x
    start /wait MzLaunch.exe -exit 50%increase_NOV.m21fm -mpi 4 -x
  • Re: Batch Mode simulation

    Dear Dr Matheiu,

    Thank you very much for your reply. I tried with your options but i am getting the error

    [i]"The command "mpiexec -n 4 -localonly "C\program files (x86)\dhi\2014\bin\x64\femenginehdMPI.exe" "case-1-Sewage.m21fm" could not be launched.

    system error message:
    The system cannot find the file specified. [/i]

    Is it with MPIEXEC installation problem, if so, how to resolve it?
    Thank you.

  • Re: Batch Mode simulation


    No, this is not working for MPI mode, its only works with normal mode.

    Please do correct the code for MPI run in batch mode.

  • Re: Batch Mode simulation


    I have used the following lines but still it is not running in MPI mode, it is fine with normal mode only. Please do correct me for the following execution.

    [b]path=C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\pwq_coast; %DHI_MIKE_2014%;

    set Number_of_Cores=16

    start /wait MzLaunch.exe mpiexec -n 16 -localonly FemEngineHDMPI.exe case_1_opening.m21fm -x
    start /wait MzLaunch.exe mpiexec -n 16 -localonly FemEngineHDMPI.exe case_2_opening.m21fm -x
    start /wait MzLaunch.exe mpiexec -n 16 -localonly FemEngineHDMPI.exe case_3_opening.m21fm -x
    start /wait MzLaunch.exe mpiexec -n 16 -localonly FemEngineHDMPI.exe case_4_opening.m21fm -x
  • Re: Batch Mode simulation

    Thank you Dr. Christian for the information.

    Well, my issues is with invoking distributed memory approach (MPI) Parallelization during batch simulation.

    Is there any option/ command I should specify in the *.bat file for the above requirement.
