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  • Temp. dependecy of Thermal Conductivity ..

    Hello All!

    Anybody knows about:

    1- Is the temprature dependency of thermal conductivity considered in FEFLOW. In such a case which model is considerd?

    2- How does FEFLOW consider the vertical thermal dispersivity coef.?

    I couldn't find anything in the documentation.

  • Vertical Heat Dipersivity

    Hello Everybody,

    Does anybody know how can assign "Vertical Heat Dipersivity" in FEFLOW? In the heat material editor window it is only possible to assign Longitudinal and Transversal dispersivity.

  • Heat Line & Point source

    Hello Everybody,

    Does anybody knows how can assign a point heat source (3D model) in FEFLOW?

    I am modeling heat pumps and it seems that by putting heat well FEFLOW assingns a line sources.

  • Re: Running Many Scenarios Successively

    Hey Alex and Chris,

    Thanks a lot!!! and Thanks Chris for the chart!!! I got my answer.....

    But Chris do I need C compiler or C++ compiler?... as far as know I have to have C++ compiler...

  • Running Many Scenarios Successively

    I am using FEFLOW for geothermal modeling. I need to run my model for many different scenarios (like successively change of gradient, heat flux, material parameters etc.); how can I do that in a wise way. I do not want to change the parameters by hand. My idea is to use some loops (for example in MATLAB) that change the parameters.

    I think if there would be a way that allows me to open.*fem file in a text editor and edit it I can manage to solve my problem.

    I appreciate your response.

  • troubles with IFM


    I installed FEFLOW 5.3 and visual studio on my pc but the 'build' button on IFM manager is not activated. what should i do for building my code?
