should this activate the 'map properties' panel?
I cant see the map properties panel anywhere on the screen.
tried that, nothing comes up if I do that
I am sure this is easy, but just can't find the right button.
I have loaded X,Y,Z data in the form of an ASCII map - which defines 6 x well locations.
I have linked the Z attribute with elevation in the maps menu.
I have added this layer to the active view.
The locations import into Feflow with the symbols/icons being small brown crosses (refer attachment).
[b]How can I edit the properties (e.g. symbol type, symbol size, colour, line size etc)?[/b]
I'd like to create some screen captures of model results, showing these well locations on top of a set of hydraulic head contours.
I can't find this in the properties tab, and right clicking and 'edit properties' from the 'view components' tab does not bring up any useful options for editing these points (at least as far as I can tell).
I am using the FeFlow standard interface (6.0).
Is there any way I can create a drawdown map for heads in this version?
Otherwise, please detail the steps required to perform the operation by switching to classic.
Please provide detail of how to convert .xml exported data to .shp files.
Unfortunately I dont have existing shape files that cover the area I am interested in.
[quote author=Bastian Rau link=topic=1090.msg2659#msg2659 date=1313571297]
You can use the budget analyzer in the classic interface:
Load your .dac and start the budget anlyzer. Choose as 'type of results': 'Boundary types' and for 'time period to be encountered': 'time period for balancing'. Also check the box 'Save the results in a protocol file'. If you hit 'Start' the budget will be calculated and stored in the specified protocol file.
Additionally you have the possibility to copy and paste the results from the boxes below the diagrams of the 'Budget results viewer', either their single value at each time step or as accumulated mass over time.
Please explain in detail how to copy and paste this budget data out of Feflow Classic. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts
Also, is it possible to use selections from Feflow Standard as nodal selections for the budget analyzer. I would like to understand inflow/outflow from a set of nodes I have selected for a mine pit, which falls only upon slices 1-4 of a 9 slice model, and only on a select few nodes corresponding to the geometry of the base of the pit.