In FEFLOW 6.0, I have a transient flow only problem that I would like to extract budget information from. From a DAC file, I can get the flow budget data from a single timestep, and view it in the model.
In particular, I can choose Data > Process Variables > Flow > Budget
then right-click Budget > Export Data > All Nodes ...
then I can choose a file name (e.g. [tt]scenario1_budget_000.pnt[/tt]) as ASCII Point File type. The resulting file is perfect. It shows the +/- (inflowing/outflowing) values in the specified units (e.g., l/s).
The problem is that I have 731 time steps. If I could do four of these exports a minute, I'm looking at just over three hours of repeating the same clicking. Furthermore, I have a few scenarios in separate DAC files to repeat this procedure, which will fill a few days of clicking.
Is there a way to export the budget for all nodes and all time steps?
As I am also capable of programming, I have a related question :,1089.0.html