I would like to know if I can use the Graded Sediment Transport option for Meyer, Peter & Mueller sediment transport formula.
I would like to have a different fraction in the river. I don't know how. I always get the same message.
"No global definition for fraction number 71428243"
I get this error when I try starting a simulation
I don't know what the problem is.
Best Regards
I have the same problem, but I can't. I add a graphic
I tried also with "MIKE HYDRO" and I can't.
Best regards,
I would like to know the fall velocity for the Engelund & Hansen model in Sediment transport. Is it Van Rijn's formel?
Thanks Torben for your answer. I'm sorry that I didn't write before.
Thank you, Torben, for a quickly answer.
I have a similar question, but about bridge. How I can introduce the high and low chord? Should I use a weir structure at the exact same location?
I show a couple example. The pdf file is my specific question and the links are eventually bridges.
Best regards
I have a question about how I muss introduce into MIKE11 the culvert geometry.
I show the next example, the real geometry of a culvert is above und the culvert geometry into MIKE11 is below.
I would like to draw the real geometry into MIKE11. How can I make it?
Best regards,
Thnak you very much!!
That is really usefull.
Best regards.
I can watch the results with MIKE View, but I wonder if I can watch them in a table also.
Best regards