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Posted Fri, 29 Aug 2014 07:35:05 GMT by Pamenifor

I would like to have two models with different boundary data. I have two files with different flow information and I have several points inflow.

So I created a boundary data for one of the models with a file. I would like to modify it with the another file (file/value field), but I have to go one by one. I mean, I select one Boundary point (1), I go to File/value field and I change with de new flow information; later I select another boundary point (2) and I repeat it.

Can I change the flow information (with the same file) at the same time for several boundary points?

Posted Fri, 29 Aug 2014 14:04:49 GMT by Mathieu Hellegouarch
Hi Pamenifor,

It is not possible to edit a number of boundaries at the same time.

I'm not sure whether you use constant values or time series (external files) to define the flow values, but in case you use external time series, and if you simply need to change the name of the time series for each boundary, you may change this by editing the *.bnd11 file in a text editor (like NotePad), in which you can use the "Search and replace" option to search for the name of the previous time series and change it to the new one.

Hope this information may help.

Best regards,
Posted Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:33:22 GMT by Pamenifor
Thank you Mathieu.

Yes, I define the flow values with *.dfs0 file.

The idea about editing the *.bnd11 file, like NotePad, makes me that easier.

Best Regards

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