which one actually you prefer between phreatic option and movable surface option?
how big vertical gradient can be handled by using those two option ?
Dear Users,
does Feflow have option for variable flux boundary or (one similar with Modflow) general head boundary ?
Thanks and regards
well, I use 6.0 and in 'FEFLOW_6_for_5.x_Users(Transition_Manual)' I found 'Observation point groups This feature has not been implemented yet, but is planned for a future release of FEFLOW.'
I think I still have to go back to classic a lot.
thanks for that, I can apply selection as budget domain but still cannot find how to graph them, Im twisted I think, I have seen the help but still cannot find it
Dear Users
in the classic Feflow I used the 'Observation Point Groups' to see outflows/inflows from boundary conditions and I can make them in lot of different groups, in my case,to have a comparison of flow with measured ones for different areas in underground mining.
How to do this in 'non-classic feflow' ? I found budget panels but I need specific areas for grouping. Pls help
thank you
nanda rinaldi
Dear users and Feflow
How is the flow in unsat zone being treated using option phreatic and BASD/Free and Movable ? Is the recharge applied to the free surface in BASD mode and how is it being calculated in the phreatic mode ? Are the hydraulic heads/pressures above the free surface/water table used in calculation,or, do they have any meaning ? I used to use other software that scale the conductivity in the unsat zone by multiplication with a fraction and somewhat I still have option to apply the recharge to the first wet nodes(it means to forget the 'has been scaled unsat zone of conductivity').
thank you
nanda rinaldi
Dear all,
pls help me, how to record(to a file if possible) during a transient run the outflow resulted from boundary condition set up as observation point groups in 6.1 ?
nanda rinaldi
Has somebody here tried to make a fem problem as described in Chapter 2.7.4 White_Papers_Vol1.pdf ?
I think I have to apply a less than 1 for storativity and put a >0 number for storage coefficient ? is that true ?
Please help,
thanks Blair,
I found 'save accumulated nodal fluxes', are the fluxes exported in that option BC fluxes ? Or total flux by imbalance ? Need only BC flux(not an imbalance) for every single points of boundary condition.
is it possible to export the flux from the whole boundary conditions into a text file ?
Thank You
Nanda Rinaldi