• Re: Jet Flow Facility in MIKE3 FM

    I think that is correct, yes. We have not obtained the integrated near-field/far-field integration, but this Jet-source is a first step on the way.

    Best regards,
  • Re: Jet Flow Facility in MIKE3 FM

    Dear Say Chong,

    If you use the Jet-source in MIKE 3, the program will undertake a full nearfield calculation, but the results of this calculation are not yet fully integrated into MIKE 3's farfield calculations. In the further MIKE 3 farfield calculations only the vertical position of the outlet is changed, according to the results of the nearfield calculation.

    However, more results of the jet-calculation are stored in a result file, see section 6.13.2 in the MIKE 3 FLOW MODEL FM User Guide.

    So at the present this does not constitute a complete nearfield/farfield integration, but we continue to work in that direction.

    Best regards,

    Poul Kronborg
  • Re: MIKE 21 PMS

    Dear Ambika, You should certainly be able to see the contents of your dfs2-files in the plot composer and also in the result viewer. Concerning tutorials, there are a lot of manuals at your disposal at this place in your computer, if you have a standard installation: C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2014\MIKE Zero\Manuals. Some of these are tutorials or step-by-step guides, depending on which modules you're looking for.

    Best regards,

    Poul Kronborg
  • Re: Book for Mike21

    MIKE 21 includes extensive up-to-date manuals, also tutorials with step-by-step manuals including a selection of models, most of them from real-world examples.

    If you have installed MIKE 21, including if you have only the demo-version, the manuals and examples are also installed. If you have made a standard installation you will find all that here: C:\Program Files (x86)\DHI\2014\MIKE Zero

    If you have not installed MIKE 21, you can install a demo-version from our web-site: http://mikebydhi.com/Download/MIKEByDHI2014.aspx

    Good luck !
  • Re: Using sink option in MIKE21 and introducing Rainfall

    Dear Moufar,
    A couple of ideas that you could look into:
    1. As you maintain a constant water level on the downstream boundary while increasing the water level on the upstream boundary, you may provoke very high velocities at the downstream boundary and/or a water level gradient just upstream this boundary. All dependent on the actual values of course, but this might cause the instability.
    2. You could also inspect the upstream boundary in order to see if there are important irregularities in the first points or rows of the model
    3. The introduction of a sink in order to lower the water level is not a good way to solve the described problem. The problem must have its origin in the actual bathymetry or in the boundary conditions. The sink will only complicate further the setup.
    4. Regarding the precipitation, have you considered whether the amount of water that you add to the model through precipitation is significant and thus estimate how large the effect could be (for example in rise of water level)?

    Best regards,
    Poul Kronborg
  • Re: Boundary condition setup

    Hi again,

    It's difficult to see what's happening in your model, but I would give you the following advice:

    1. You have to have a close look at that bathymetry to see if it actually comes out with values that are correct after your interpolation/manipulation. It seems that you get no results because there is no water in the model and that is probably because your boundary values don't fit with the bathymetry.

    2. You should also have a look at the boundaries. The automatice detection finds 8 boundaries, that is probably not the easiest solution for this case, my guess is you should reduce that to 2-4.

    3. Land value should be a level that you evaluate will not get flooded.

    Best regards,

    Poul Kronborg
  • Re: Boundary condition setup

    The water depth in all boundary points should be >0 at all times, including in the initial condition.

    Best regards,
    Poul Kronborg
  • Re: Harbour resonance

    If you have made a MIKE 21 BW-simulation you can use the FFT tool as part of an initial analysis of harbour resonance.