Dear Juan,
Yes this is possible and routinely done for a variety of simulation environments. Typical couplings are done with MSHE and MIKE 11 for 1D channels, and 2D/3D wetland and groundwater hydrology. Procedures are built into the model framework for this coupling, which is based on the underlying hydrologic principles (in other words a physically based coupling).
Depending on your needs and interests, there are other alternatives, for instance a focus on surface water dynamics and flooding, which rely on MIKE FLOOD, a coupling of MIKE 11 and MIKE 21 (which can also incorporate pipe networks if required). If detailed groundwater dynamics and interaction with surface channels is a core issue, couplings have also been developed for FEFLOW and MIKE 11.
Please let us know if you would like to discuss a specific application or would like more information or examples of any of these applications.
Best Regards,